Getting the job


" What will I do?"

I walked left and right to calm myself.

" I am saying, right? He looked like a good man. He wouldn't do any such thing!" Consy said in a frustrated tone.

Oh! Now my consy has different tones too?

" Consy, can't you just shut and go somewhere else?" I felt angered.

" If I go somewhere else you will also have to go somewhere else!" Consy said.

" Where?" I asked with a frown.

" To the hospital, if I go somewhere you will become unconscious. You dumbass!" That idiot consy said.

" Oh! my talk whatever you want but I am not gonna reply to you!" I said to consy.

You see when I am nervous I tend to have this habit of talking with my consy. And this consy makes me more nervous by doing something like this!

" Hey, I didn't do anything! Don't blame me!" She shouted.

" Oh, okay consy madame! will you go to sleep?" I pleaded with her.

She went!

A sigh escaped my lips and someone couldn't take it so my name was called.

My heart raced at 100 miles' speed.

" Seriously, Sindhu?" Consy woke up.

" Just shut up!" I yelled in my mind.

" Okay, okay. All the best! Hope he shouldn't kick you out!" She said.

" Consy?!"

" Okay, bye-bye!" She said and went.

" Ms. Primrose?" They called my name again.

I stood up and went near the door.

Praying it shouldn't be him, I opened the door.

As if God hears my prayer all the time.

The man sat there along with another woman near him.

Cursing myself, I mean Consy, and went near them.

I greeted them, the women asked me to sit.

After my introduction, she started asking questions.

I avoided his gaze to avoid getting nervous.

Neither he questioned me nor expressed anything.

He sat normally and checked my CV.

As the woman signed in my files, he too signed in it and gave me a card.

I frowned seeing it.

" You can show it in the reception, they will guide you!" He said with a smile.

" Thank you, sir!" With a smile they both dismissed me.

" Consy, I think it was his twin I crashed into!"

" Hey, idiot! He's just open-minded. Not some arrogant fella!" Consy said.

" No, con..." She interrupted me.

" Will, you just shut up and go inquire in the reception?" She yelled at me, I pouted.

Then I inquired in the reception, she said it is a temporary ID to get accessed to the 49 and 50th floor.

Then everything went in a blur.

I got the job!

" Yay! Consy congrats!"

" Yeah, Congrats! But didn't you forget something?" She asked.

" Ahh! Yes, thanks Consy!"

I went to the reception there.

" Hey, this Amelia Primrose. I've been selected to work for the finance department. I want to meet the CEO!" I said.

" But you have to have an appointment to meet him, ma'am," She said politely.

" Yeah, please can you tell him that I was sent by Mr. King?" I asked.

" Sure, Ma'am!"

She called someone spoke in a hushed tone.

" Ma'am, you can see him. Take the elevator and you would see a desk they will direct you!" She said, I thanked her and moved to the next floor.

I was directed to the CEO.

" Vivaan Singh Rajput " I saw the nameplate placed on the glass table as I entered his room.

" Hey, it's him. Who you were drooling at, in the morning!" Consy said.

Without answering her I went near him.

" Yes?" He asked with a small smile.

It was not full-blown and friendly but it was a professional smile.

" Sir! I am Sindhu Amelia Primrose, I've been selected to work under Finance. I was asked to deliver this to you by Mr. King!" I said and he nodded.

That killer smile.

" What's in this? " He asked getting.

" I am sorry sir! I am oblivious!" I said.

He got and read it.

" So, really don't know what's in this?" He asked with doubt.

" No, sir! I was asked to deliver and I did! Now if you excuse me..."

" No, Ms. Primrose. It's about you. Your mentor or can I say our mentor Mr. King has recommended you to me, to be the head of the finance!" He said.

I gasped.

He did? I said I don't want to be recommended. I wanted to get with my qualification.

" I know what you are thinking! Though he is my mentor and I could believe him blindly. I wouldn't give you the post directly. Do you have any idea of what he recommended you for?"

" No, sir!"

" You know right? This is the headquarters of all Parker Corporation. We have different companies from construction to Shipping! So there is a CEO's team. Where they maintain all the company's reports and deals. I mean the head of head. You will be the head of all finance heads of all the branches."

I gasped, this is a big thing.

" This is a big thing, sir. I don't want to be recommended."

" I am not going to assign you directly, you will have to work under the finance head here as he going to retire soon. If I and he find you fit after a month, then you can start your work. I can blindly believe Mr. King but still..." He stated.

" I just don't want to be a one who came through recommendation, otherwise I am up!" I said.

" This matter is just between us! No third person will know except Mr. Parker. "

" Thank you, sir!"

" I want you to start your work tomorrow, be here at 8 in the morning! Collect your temporary pass from my secretary and the contract. You have the whole day, if you are okay with terms you can sign and no negotiations! Hope you got and I hate imperfection!" He said.

For a second I was intimidated by him.

" Okay, sir!" I stuttered.

" I won't eat, you!" He said with a smile.

Ahh! That killing smile.

And this is how I ended up on the same floor with him.

" Consy, he is my new crush! Ahh! that smile!" She burned in jealousy.

" Hey, consy. Don't worry you could crush on his consy oh! no, let's name him.... Ahhh! Conso!"

" Yuck! You gave my crush an awful name! I hate you, Sindhu!"

" I love you too, consy!"