Learn to defend

Am I a disgusting man?

She snapped her fingers in front of my eyes breaking me from my thoughts.

I just stared at her, I couldn't do anything.

Her fingers trailed from my chest to my chin, I felt a shiver run through my spine.

She lifted my chin using her finger.

" Learn to defend yourself, don't let others ruin you! Do you go behind the girls?" She asked making me confused.

" No!"

" Then why can't you defend yourself? You can just say, they approach you not vice versa. Why couldn't you? Did your conscience question you? You know it is wrong, that is why you felt guilty for a second! Don't do the things that you will regret later!" She said and patted my shoulder.

Am I doing wrong?


Am I regretting whatever I've done?


But why did I realize it before? Even Vivaan had scolded me for being like this.


The question hammered my head.

When I searched for her she was nowhere to be seen.

Where is she?

I searched for her but she is not there.

I dialed Angel's number.

" Yeah, Ryan?" She between laughs.

" Where are you both? Where did you go leaving me alone?" For a second silence prevailed in the call.

" Ryan, are you okay? Were you been dreaming? It's been like an hour we left from there!" She exclaimed.

That's when I noticed I was sitting at the table where I and Angel were sitting earlier.

How did I come here?

I was standing there, right? But when did I sit here?

What happened? Where is she?

" Mellina is with you, right?" I asked her for confirmation.

" Ryan, are you alright? And yeah, we both are at home!" She asked concerned, I smiled.

" Yeah, Angel. I am alright, I was just wondering if you guys reached home or not!"

" Oh, okay! Good night Ryan, dream about Angel!" She said with a giggle.

" Good night Angel! You are really one!" I ended the call and started walking towards my apartment, with Mellina occupying all my thoughts.

Why did she behave like that?

Does she care about me?

With this thought occupying my mind I slipped into slumber.

Shit! This sun!

Mr. Sun, can't you rise a little later?

That's when I felt someone caressing my hair, I felt good.

" Hmmmmmm" This is the first time someone caressing me.

Who is that? I want to see who's that!

But my head and eyes felt heavy, I couldn't move them a bit.

After many trials, I failed and decided to enjoy the feel.

The fragrance felt good.

" Hmmmmm"


The clock ticked 1.

Ryan woke with the sound of his phone.

It was Vivaan.

As he picked up Vivaan yelled at him.

" Are you dead or what? How many times should we call you? Mel and I have been trying to call you from 11. " Vivaan barked at him.

" I am sorry, V! I don't know why but after many years I slept peacefully I don't know why!" He sighed and slumped on the couch in the living room.

" Are you alright, Ryan? You made us worried! I would have come there if you didn't attend this call! You know right, we have the Russian deal meeting today?" He said his voice changing into a childish tone.

He was worried to the hell.

" Sorry, Vivaan. I really didn't mean to but I was deep asleep! I am sorry, man!" Ryan apologized.

" It's okay Ryan, be it the last time! Mel has been waiting for you from 9'o clock. She is downstairs with maids, go see her." Vivaan said.

" You could have given the password, you worried for nothing!" Ryan said with a sigh.

" You stupid did you change the lock yesterday? Because I am not mad, she tried it but she couldn't open it!" Vivaan scolded him making him scratch his head.

" I am sorry, I forgot to say that Alice or Adriana? Whoever it is, saw the password so I had to change it! " He said opening the door and entered the elevator to go down.

" Whatever, get lost! I have work!"

" I lobeeee you vivvaaaan!" He sang weirdly making Vivaan cringe.

" Yuck! I hate you!" He ended the call.

He saw Mellina talking on the phone.

With yesterday's thought, he walked towards Mellina.

" Yeah, baby. Yeah, love you bye!" As she ended the call and turned. She directly stumbled on Ryan, spilling the orange on him and her.

She was on her activewear.

" Shit!" Ryan muttered.

" My goodness! I thought, only your brain is useless now you proved to me that you have another useless organ!" She glared at him.

He glared back, he totally forgot yesterday's scenario in today's fight.

"You woman! You are standing in my apartment! Don't forget that!" He yelled at her.

" And that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want? Can't you let me know you are here?" She yelled back.

The maids were staring at them as if they saw orange grew in an apple tree.

That irritated him!

" You do not get paid for staring at me, clean this!" He yelled at them and dragged Mellina upstairs.

They were in awe as they saw the two sides of Mellina.

She was all sweet and calm with them, but when reacting to Ryan she was fiery. They never have seen somebody yell at Ryan, Vivaan is an exception.

" What do you think you are doing?!" Both yelled at each other in unison pushing themselves into a staring competition.

That's when he noticed Mel.

As always the high ponytail, which was made into a bun for convenience.

She wore a sports bra, her leggings, and her sweatshirt tied on her hip.

His hands itched to touch her, he wanted to feel how it would he touched her.

She was staring at him.

His hands went to her head, her hair. He pulled out the bun, her long hair fell down.

He was not on his sane mind. He needn't bend down she was tall.

Their nose touched, making him close his eyes.

They heard each other's heart beat.