Which Contract?

"Hey, idiot! She is not the one who is in problem but you!" He whispers yelled at him.

" What?!" A frown adorned his face.

" Yeah, one Tsunami and one volcano are coming together! She called you to warn you about that and asked you to come out, but what have you done? She called me now. Come let's leave!" Vivaan tried to drag him from there.

" What Tsunami and which Volcano? Tell me clearly!" Ryan said confused.

" Isabella Winters and your Volcano mom met at the entrance and created havoc, Mel saw it when she was about to leave and that's why she called you!" Vivaan said in an urgent tone.

All the color drained out of his face.

" What the f*ck?! How come mother is here?" Ryan asked in frustration.

" You forgot? The belle of the ball is your mom's best friend so, to attend this event she flew from France to here!" Vivaan said with exaggeration.

" Where is she now?" Ryan asked.

" After the small catfight with Ms. Winters, she walked in. So she must on the elevator now!" Vivaan said looking at his watch.

" What should I do now?" Ryan asked himself.

" Run!" Vivaan suggested.

" Yes, that's the only way! Okay, she will be coming by elevator so I will use the emergency exit! Bye, Viv! Come home!" He turned to run.

That's when he remembered something.

" My date?"

" I will take care of her, don't worry!" Vivaan said.

" You don't have to worry Mr. Parker, I can take care of myself!" Daisy said with a smile.

" Sorry and Thanks!" Saying this he ran to the entrance to leave before she sees him.

But his bad! When he neared the entrance he saw his mother signing the brochure.

" Shit!"

He looked around to hide, as he saw a big crowd of people talking and drinking he went and stood behind the crowd concealing himself from his mother.

But the luck was not on his side.

An elderly man from the crowd waved at his mother enthusiastically.

" Yeah, very important man! You are more enthusiastic than her own son!" He cursed the old man.

She would find if she nears the crowd, nervousness started seeping through him.

" Someone help me!" He yelled inside himself.

Ahh! There! Someone tried helping him getting hold of his mother.

At the same time, someone tugged his hand.

" Come, let's go!"

" My Mother!" He said as Mellina pulled him.

" I know, he is on our team. He wouldn't let your mom until we reach out. So, come fast!" With no more difficulties, they reached downstairs.

Ryan released his breath.

" Thank god! It was a great escape, just a minute..." He talked to himself.

" No, see the next one..." Mellina pointed in a direction.

" My goodness! Didn't she and mom come at the same time? Now, why is she here?"

" Yeah, they came at the same time, but in the fight, Mrs. Parker intentionally spilled coffee on her. So, she went to change I think!" They hid behind a pillar to escape from Isabella.

" How many watched this?" He whispered in her ear as they stood close behind the pillar.

" Many! And I am sorry but I have to say this, your mother horrible!" She said shaking her head.

" You don't have to say, I know that I have seen the worst version of her!"

" Great son and a very great mom!" She mocked them.

He glared at her.

" Okay, she is gone! Go home safely. I have already informed your driver. Bye-bye! Zoey must be waiting!" She said in the most enthusiastic.

That irked him.

How could she be like this?

She smiles at him, laughs with him, and being all sweet and enthusiastic. But when it comes to me all she does is yelling at me, degrading me, and especially calling me a fool.

Like seriously? Am I a fool? Let me show her who is a fool! He pledged to himself.

As she tried to walk away, but he caught her by the waist.

She was taken aback.

" Where are you going?" He whispered teasing her ear with his lips.

She couldn't react due to his sudden action, she turned and stared into his eyes.

" Lorenzo must be waiting!" She whispered her palm on his chest.

" So you would come if he was not here?" He teased.

And that bought Mellina out of her stand.

She pushed him away and tried to keep her distance from him.

But he tugged her closer.

She couldn't do anything.

" Call and ask him to leave!" He said calmly.

" I won't!" She said stubbornly.

" You will or else..."

" Or else?"

" Babe, you know how much I can do!" He said with a smile.

He liked the sight in front of him.

" Mr. Parker, please don't think so highly of yourself!" She said with a sarcastic smile.

" Oh, Ms. Primrose! You would have never imagined what I can do!" He said in the most sensual voice.

" I won't fall for it!" She said with a smirk and pushed him away.

" Oh, you won't?" With the same teasing smile, he tried to tug her again.

" Ahh!" He winced as she twisted his hand that was about to tug her.

She twisted it to his back and pushed him to the pillar and leaned close to him.

" Don't expect every woman to be the same... Because I am different!" She said with a smug.

He was still wincing in pain.

" Yeah, okay okay! You are different. I know please leave my hand!" He got scared, he had a match in the upcoming month.

" What, scared? I know you are having a match, so I will spare you this time!" With the same smug she released his hand.

" Now, can I go?" She asked folding her hands to her chest.

" No!"

" What now?" She asked with an annoyed voice.

" I want you to come with me!"

" For what?"

" Umm! Ahh! I want to review a contract"

" Which contract?"

" Umm! An ad shoot!"

" But, isn't that maintained my Vivaan?" She asked making him bite his tongue.