He's not yours!

" Mother, it's not what you think!" He said as he moved away from her.

He stood there shirtless, it was enough for her to build many theories.

" Then, what it is?" She yelled making him flinch.

Even Mellina felt goosebumps bubbling up all over her body.

" Mother, I swear it's not what it looks like! Believe me! " The arrogant, childish, egoistic Ryan was nowhere to be found.

There was a fear in his eyes.

" Why do you I think I would believe you?" She yelled again making Mellina flinch.

" Mother, believe me, nothing is going on! She is my manager, that's all!" Ryan tried convincing her.

He didn't want to cause a problem for Mellina.

She is not powerful as Mr. Parker or Vivaan or him, but her words were!

Mellina was not like all the other women he has been caught with, they were mature enough to bitch back her mother. Though Mellina seemed matured he did not expect her to be strong enough to stand against his mother.

His mother is a b*tch!

Felicia has never caught him in his home because Vivaan never liked this habit of hers. And the strange emotion he had in his eyes, that made her mad.

There fell a tight slap on Mellina's cheek. It was unexpected!

" Mother!" Ryan yelled as anger peered inside him.

" You whore! Stay away from him or you wouldn't love the consequences. He is meant to be someone! Stay away from him. B*tch! He is meant to be Melissa's!" She gritted the words her hand crushing Mellina's chin.

" Mother!" He pushed her away and checked Mellina.

" Are you okay?" He asked touching her cheek.

She nodded with a smile.

He turned towards his mother, who was red.

" Mother, why are you doing this? I said there is nothing right? Then what?" He asked in frustration.

" I see something between you, Ace! I didn't believe it when that b*tch said!" She murmured.

" Who and what they said?"

" That Isabella she said, you bought someone with you and she said you are taking her to your house. She said that you two have something, but I didn't believe her! Now I know what she said is true..." She said glaring at Mellina, who by now had a smirk on her face.

" She just manipulated you because you caused a scene. That's all, we have nothing between us. The last time when she tried to get closer to me, we warned her she just got her revenge on Ms. Primrose!" Ryan tried to explain.

" But her expression shows something!" Felicia said gesturing to Mellina.

He didn't know if he had to plead with her or glare at her seeing her smirk.

" Hear this! You whore, I won't leave you live peacefully if you don't quit whatever you are planning to do!" Felicia warned.

Mellina with the same smirk walked towards the mother and son.

" What would you do if I say no?" She asked standing very close to Ryan.

What the hell are you doing? Ryan wanted to scream but words got stuck in his throat.

" You!" Felicia didn't expect her comeback.

Mellina pulled his hair and pecked his lips.

" You b*tch!" Felicia tried to slap her again.

But this she caught her and twisted it to her back. Ryan was gaping at her.

What should I do?

" Oh, Mrs. Parker! What did you think? I am some small kitten whom you can frighten? If yes, then you are wrong. Kindly change your view, because I am not some kitten but as you said, I am a b*tch!" Her words were of mixed emotions with a fake smile, arrogance, and cruelty when she stressed the word b*tch!

She winced in pain.

Of course, even Ryan feels pain when she does that then what will the old lady feel?

" You b*tch, leave my hand!" She winced in pain.

" Mrs. Parker, I am a b*tch, and b*thes doesn't have obedience, do they?" She asked with a smile, twisting it more.

" Ace, what are doing there? Did you forget that I am your mother?" She yelled for help.

That's when he realized his mother is being punished.

" Hey, leave her! I am sorry for my mother!" He apologized.

" Just because you said, Ryan!" Mellina cooed.

She was infuriating her.

" What? Ryan? She is calling you Ryan? When your mother can't call you by your name, why does she call Ryan? Why?" She yelled as tears spilled.

" Because you lost your place as a mother!" It was not Ryan but Mellina.

" How dare you..." She was interrupted.

Ryan just stared at the ground, someone is speaking out his voice.

" Leave me, Mrs. Parker. Do you think you have the prestige of calling him, Ryan? No, you don't! If a 7 years old boy fears his mother it means he has a strict mother but if 27 years old man fears his mother then she is cruel!" Mellina said with a disgusted expression.

" It's been 10 years since I saw you as my mother! " Ryan said in a low tone.

" Have you ever considered my feelings? It was all you, your wishes, your dreams. Do you know how much it hurts?" He asked.

The vulnerability, helplessness in his voice made Mellina tear up.

" I am doing this for you..."

" You are doing this for me? " He chuckled.

" Ask yourself, mother! You are not doing this for me but for yourself!"

" I am doing this for you, your own good..." Her softened.

" F*ck it! I don't want any more good, my life. I am already better with what I have!" He shouted in frustration.

" Mind your langauge son!"

" I learned it from you, mother, you didn't speak the way you should have spoken!" Ryan said void of emotions.

" It's you right?" Felicia asked Mellina.

" What did I do?" She asked with a nonchalance.

" You made him speak this, didn't you?"

" You think? It's you who made him like this!" Mellina yelled in with the same audacity.

" Whatever! Remember this, he is never gonna be yours. He is destined for my Melissa, he is for her! You wi..."

She interrupted, by what?

By Mellina's action! What did she do?

Mellina pulled him by his hair and crashed her lips with him.