
It was not a deep kiss but a soft one.

What happened next was unexpected!

" Slap...."

She slapped him, not so hard.

" Darling, you are gonna regret it!" Saying this he locked his lips with her.

She refused to move her lips, also started hitting his chest. But it did no good to her because he kissed her more aggressively.

She stopped hitting him but didn't kiss him back, which made him bite her lower lips. She gave him a tight slap on his chest but he caught her hand and pushed her to the wall.

He sucked her lower lips to soothe the pain. It made her toe curl, her knees went jelly.

She saw moons and stars. Yesterday, was her first kiss. In school, she never had time for all this. She lost her first kiss to him.

Till now she doesn't know why she did that.

The wall was her support, she started moving her lips along with him, which made him smile.

She could feel his smile.

He pecked the corner of her lips and nuzzled her head in her neck.

" I don't know, why you did that all! But I believe that you care about the people around you. Thank you so much! About this kiss, I am sorry though I don't regret it! You will call me Ryan, or else you know what I can do! " He said and left after kissing her below her ear lobe.

She stood there frozen. After a minute she came out of the trance, she looked around to see if she got caught or not.

No one was there, sighing she opened her room to check herself.

After minutes, when she went to the living room only Sindhu was present eating her breakfast.

" They are gone?" Mellina asked as sat on the table drinking her protein drink.

" Yeah, but I was a bit hesitant to send her along," Sindhu said.

" You can trust her with him! She will be safe with him." Mellina said.

" It's just that, he is a kinda playboy. I don't if it is real but that's what the media says about him!" She shrugged.

" Hmmm! Because I said he is a good man that doesn't mean he is not a playboy and clear-cut pervert! He is! But he doesn't force anyone and respects women. He is a sensitive depressed person that's why he is like this.

He has a woman flocking around him, that's the problem, all want his money and fame that's why keeps going behind this one nightstand thing! No one cares about him or what he wants, when he meets a girl who can understand and take care of him he will wrap himself around her pinky finger!" Ahe said with a smile.

" Now I understand how good he is because you certified him," Sindhu said with a chuckle and entered the kitchen to put her plate in the sink.

She had a knowing smile on her face.

" What?! Did I certify him? Lol, no! I just said the good side of him but there's the worst side that dominates the good side of him. He is a fool, idiot, irritating, stupid, and for God's sake, he zones out freaking at least 2 times in an hour!" She exclaimed with a mocking smile.

" Do you mean I am also stupid?" Sindhu asked glaring at her as she mentioned the zoning out trait.

" No, sis! I didn't mean it, I mean though you zone out you are smart but he is really stupid!" She exclaimed as they walked out of their flat.

" Anyway, I am not in the mood to argue so you are saved!" Sindhu said with a tap on Mellina's nose.

Mellina sighed in relief because arguing with Sindhu was the last thing she would do now.

Arguing with Sindhu will end up horrible. Just don't imagine okay?

Because it's beyond imagination.

" Why are you going to the company now?" Sindhu asked as they walked towards the company.

" I want to report to Vivaan, about Ryan!" Mellina sighed.

As silence prevailed they walked into the building.

" Sis, you go on your way. I will through the process to meet him" Mellina said as they stood in the reception.

" You sure?" Sindhu asked with a frown.

" Yeah, sis. We are not talking here anyways!" Mellina said as he took her phone to call Vivaan.

" Okay!" Sindhu said sadly and went upstairs.

Yeah, even though Mellina is her sister. Jealousy hit her.

After the interview, he never spoke with her. She thought he always smiles and jovial. But it was not true.

She has seen him fire people mercilessly.

She even thought if there was another personality inside him.

With a sigh, she continued her work.

Mellina called Vivaan, he asked her to wait or come to the 10th floor.

She decided to go there.

When she went there Ryan stood there with Aria behind her.

He was reading something and was talking with him.

Seeing her Aria came near her.

" Hey, Mels!"

" Hey, Aria. What's happening?" Mellina asked?

" Aah! There was a meeting with board members from early morning. There was a proposal raised by him for the welfare of workers. He is explaining it to the team!" Aria said.

" Oh, will it take time?"

" Nope, he is about to finish!"

" Oh, okay. Okay!" As she said he dismissed everyone including Aria.

" Shall we leave Mel?"

" Yup!"

" So... Ryan said he is going somewhere with Angel!" Vivaan stared as they stood in front of the elevator.

" Yeah, they went together! I hope they don't pull any stunts! I have asked him to take driver but that idiot friend of yours drove himself with that Shitty Hangover!

That irritating face of his! Brat! He doesn't follow anything, no manners. HE IS BEING TOTAL STUPID! And add ASSHOLE to the list!

Many times When he behaves stupidly I just want to punch him!" She was chewing Ryan with her scolding. But bad, he can not hear it.

This was the outcome of the kiss.

" My son must be so bad!"

She was taken aback by the sudden interruption.

" Is she the one?" Peter asked Vivaan.

" Yeah, Ryan's manager!"

" And Mellina this is Peter Emmanuel Parker, Ryan's father!" Vivaan introduced.

Of course, she knew it already.

" Mr.Parker!" She greeted him nervously.