
" About us, as we know what's the mistake we are doing we could just correct it but kindly Kidnap his mother to somewhere else!" She sighed.

Peter choked his water as he heard this.

" I mean, maybe you can taker her on a vacation to another country and mainly cut her communication with the people here. " Mellina said.

" Taking her to vacation though I could do that still cutting off her communication is tough. Let me say, it's very tough! She and her phone are twinnies they don't get separated not even when using the lavatory!" Peter sighed heavily.

" Wait, I have an idea. Though we can't her communication wholly this might help. Recently, we had an African client. He had invited me to his resort there.

It's a hill resort and I have heard that the signals are weak in that area.

Maybe this might help, because while your stay there they will take you inside the hill, forest and to waterfalls like that, so there signal would be weak. This could cut down her communication!" Vivaan suggested.

" This is a good idea but I am worried about how you are going to manage everything?" Peter said.

" Please, don't worry about me. I will be good!" Vivaan assured.

" Okay, then! So let's arrange the trip!" Peter said with a big sigh.

After that, they spoke about how they going to behave with Ryan. After hours of discussion, they came to an end.

Peter excused himself as he had to visit a friend.

" So..." Vivaan trailed off.

" So?" Mellina raised her eyebrows in question.

" Why do you care so much?"

" Care, what?" Mellina asked confused.

" Ryan! Don't tell me you are doing your job because I know it's not. So, what's that?" He asked as he sat cross-legged.

" Believe it or not, I am just doing my job!" Mellina shrugged nonchalantly.

" Your job? I have been with him for almost 10 years, but you came just by the last week and you do such things? No one couldn't understand Ryan, that's why I was constantly firing his assistants! But you... You are something, aren't you? So tell me do you like him?' Vivaan asked with a smirk.

She was silent carrying a serious expression.

Suddenly, she started to laugh like a maniac.

" Seriously? Me? Like him?" She asked between laughs.

He glared at her.

" I am sorry, but it was hilarious! Don't joke like this, okay? It's just my nature to care for people, it's MY NATURE. IT. HAS. NOTHING. TO. DO. WITH. YOUR. FRIEND!" She said stressing the last line.

" And it's not even ten days since we met, how can I like him?" She asked.

" Whatever, Mel! Now I am relieved to have you. I don't know why I trust you so much, but I do. It's just I don't know, why? Please, don't do anything that would change my perspective of you!" Vivaan said.

" You won't regret it!" She assured him.

" I hope, I won't! " He said as he sat there contemplating about something.

It was about Mellina's intention, he was confused about her behavior. Why was she doing all this? No one would do this much, that too when she hadn't even worked with him for a week. How and why?

He sure got some good vibes from her but was she really good?

He was thinking about this when Mellina interrupted his thoughts.

" I know what you are thinking about! About me right?" Without giving time to answer she started again.

" I can understand but believe me, this is me! From my childhood I have been like this I have a dominant character so just can't sit watch whatever others do, if I like someone I would help them to resolve things. So I have an opinion about Ryan I just wanted to help him out, that's it!" Mellina explained.

After listening to her Vivaan started,

" You know why I help him a lot? Because I had the same feeling when we were in high school. We were enemies then but it's just that difference in our point of view I have never hated him but I have admired him in many ways!

He always liked to keep people around him very happy, he never liked to see anyone in tears. But many used him in the name of a friend, girlfriend, and whatever. And that's why I befriended him, I didn't like him suffering pain, alone!

Once you befriend him and then you wouldn't leave him. Only fools and stupids would, and he has come across many stupids. Many in the close circle have asked me this question, ' Why do you always help him? He doesn't pay you back or does anything for you, then why?'

I have always just smiled at it and said, ' You never know what he is doing for me!' Everyone has seen what I do for him but no one knew that one cannot always be a giver at some time point he will feel frustrated.

I help him because he keeps me happy. He knew what I like what I don't. From food to flair, he knew everything about me. When I am down he knows to cheer me and in the same way he has the ability to cut down my feathers if I flew very high! He reciprocates everything do I for him. Lol, Many even asked if we were a couple but we aren't! Like sometimes even I have thought about it, do I love him?" He chuckled saying this.

" Yeah, I love him but not the way others assume. He is my best friend!" He said proudly.

" I would never let him go down! I would never leave anyone who even dares to hurt him! I don't care if it's you or his mother or anyone but I will take their happiness from them. They would regret being alive!" It was a warning for her too.

He was kinda threatening her.

" I would never be on the list Vivaan. Trust me, at least not after hearing your threat!" She smiled.

" Even I don't want you to be on the list!" He smiled back.

There were many unspoken words.