Thank you!

I woke up as the cold breeze caressed my face.

Something was tickling my face, I opened my eyes to see what it is.

It was Mellina's hair. Her hair was all over my face as the beach wind blew.

Angel leaned on her shoulder and was asleep whereas Mellina leaned on Angel's head for support and was sleeping.

Her left hand rested on my chest and her right was still in my hair.

I always craved for such a moment.

Even though, I had Vivaan who always cared about me.

But think of it, what would it be like if I go and sleep on his lap?

Eww, It would be awkward!

I craved for the feeling I couldn't name it.

I needed a shoulder to lean on, I needed someone to caress my hair.

I needed someone who could kiss my worries!

I needed someone who could hug me and say ' Everything will be okay!'

Vivaan can't provide this to me.


Even imagining this gives me some awkward feeling.

These are the things that only a woman could do!

What they name it?

Ah! Umm! Yeah, it's called motherliness, right?

Today I felt that, for the first time. I've never felt this way, I feel refreshed and Happy.

Now I feel very soft, I feel like flying.

I don't know how to explain this feeling.

I feel like I discovered some feeling.

All these years when I see a woman I get no feeling or I just wanted to f*ck them. Or maybe I have seen them as acquaintances, but I never felt this way, no one has ever done this to me.

What is she doing to me? Why?

Does she care about me?

I was looking at both ladies who were sleeping peacefully.

They looked cute.

I took her hand which was on my chest and kissed it.

She opened her eyes due to the movement.

I smiled at her looking into the pool of mysteries.

She is something!

I will never let anyone hurt them.


He sat up as she opened her eyes.

" Thank you!" He said, she didn't say anything or see him.

Silence prevailed between them, they could hear the music of the waves.

Minutes passed, Mellina started,

" Ryan, what do you think about your life?" She asked still not seeing him.

" My life? I don't know... I feel like I am not destined to be happy" He said truly.

" Why do you feel like that? There are many things that you should feel happy about, why aren't you feeling them?" She asked now turning towards him.

" I don't know how to feel it, I feel like my life is full of loneliness and sorrow! Why do I alone have a life like this? Why no happy things happen in my life?" He asked.

" It's not your life alone Ryan! Everyone's life is like this, everyone has their own problems but aren't they happy? Do they sit and lament and cry every day? No! They don't!

You should be like that, even though there are many problems around you, you concentrate on the happy things too. They are very little things you should feel it.

Try to be happy, try it! You are just dreaming to want to be happy but why don't you work it out?

Stop self-pitying! You are not the only one who has problems. Freaking everyone in the world has their own problem. Even I!" She exclaimed.

The whole time he was staring at her.

After a sigh, she continued.

" I know, saying all this is easy but when it comes to living it's hard. But let's do it, can we?" She asked with a smile.

He just stared at her.

" Yoo!" She waved her hand in front of him as he zoned out.

" Yeah?" He asked with a smile.

" Can we?"

" Yes! We will! Show me how to be happy!" He said.

It was from his heart, he didn't think before speaking.

She just blinked her eyes and turned to the sea. It was dark by now, they sat there enjoying the breeze.

The buzz in her mind calmed down a bit.

She felt a head on her shoulder yeah it was Ryan.

" Thank you, Mel. I never have felt the feeling I felt today. It was all because of you. Thank you!" He said and kissed her forehead.

Angel groaned in sleep.

" Shall we leave?" Mellina asked him as she stood up and helped Angel to get up.

" Yeah!" He said and stood up.

There were hardly 20 to 30 people present there.

As they walked to their car Angel and Ryan played.

Vivaan called as there was no news from them.

Ryan and Angel planned to tear his eardrums.

As they answered the call both shouted on the phone.

" Hello, Vivvvyyyyyyyy!"

" My god!" He was taken aback, never once had Ryan done something like this.

" You guys! You just damaged my ears! Anyways I glad to hear cheerful voices, where are you guys?" He asked.

" We are just returning home!" Ryan said.

" You two didn't create any chaos, did you?" He asked like a strict teacher.

" No, we didn't!" Angel said.

" That's good! Okay, do one thing let's have dinner together. Come to Scoobie's corner let's eat some junk food, what say?" He asked in an excited tone.

The actual reason was he was trying to cheer Ryan.

" Yippeee! We are up for this!" Angel yelled in excitement.

" Okay, then I'll call Mel and ask her to come."

" Bro, I am here, with them!" She said in a bored tone.

" Why do you sound bored? And they are cheerful?" Vivaan asked with a smile.

" They were sleeping till now, whereas I was watching them like a security. So I am tired!" She mumbled tiredly.

" Aww, can we have dinner together? Is it okay with you?" He asked concerned.

" That's fine with me bro! We will be there I don't want to be the party pooper!" She said.

"Okay, see you all there!" He ended the call.

They didn't know about misery that's gonna happen.