Finding happiness

As Mellina stood in the corner along with the coach, their picture was clicked. The whole team hugged each other. 

Jake approached Mellina, he opened his hands to hug her. 

Though she was reluctant she was damn sure Jake is a good guy and loves people around him, so she didn't want to hurt him so he hugged. 

" Erhmm..." Someone cleared their throat. 

It was Ryan! 

" I know right, the possessive boyfriend of yours is here. I smelled something burning I know it was from him..." Jake teased him. He whispered not wanting anyone except the team to know about their relationship. 

" Jake, shut up!" Mellina warned. 

Ryan hugged her as a teammate. Or that's what they showed it to the people.

" Come on bro, leave her before anyone becomes suspicious of you!"  Jake pulled Ryan away from her.

" Even if they don't, you will tell them!" Ryan glared at him.