Mrs. Parker not Ms. Ritz


" Mel, baby! Is everything alright?" Felicia asked as Melissa sipped her whine. 

" Yeah!" She muttered nonchalantly. 

But Felicia was blind enough not to see that. Seth was along with them. 

" You've done a great job, madame. Even if we have done it, it wouldn't have been any better!" He said his 32 teeth shining. 

" Thank you, how would I be careless when my darling is coming here? I can do everything for her!" Felicia said kissing Melissa's cheek. 

Seth faked a smile. 

" Okay, darling. I have a gathering to attend. I will visit you again tomorrow. Ryan would reach here by evening. Spend time with him!" Felicia said though she had a film playing in her mind on how he would react. 

" Okay, madame. Merci!" Seth said standing up. 

Melissa sat there scrolling her phone, she didn't mind her going or staying. 

Seth glared at her but it didn't any wonder.