Angry sex

" Darling! Oh, darling!" He sang. 

" Where are you my darling? My love!"  He sang. He facepalmed, pitying himself. 

A few days before he was ordering around, was being bossy. 

Now, he has a boss. The boss, who always bullies him, threatening to suspend him. 

He smiled at the word, boss. 

" Boss! My boss! Where are you?" He sang making himself a joker trying to make her laugh. 

" Love can make people go crazy. And I am one among them!" He sighed, still smiling. 

" Where did she go?" He asked himself not finding her in the whole house. 

" Maybe, in the terrace!" He thought and walked upstairs. 

" Here she is!" He muttered and walked like a cat so that she wouldn't realize him. 

Like, she would! She was in her own world. 

He hugged her from her back and kissed her ears making her startled. 

" Vivaan! You scared the shit out of me!" She said keeping her palm on her chest.