Crocodile tears

Ryan sat there glaring at her. 

Angel was standing there with ice creams with her, that she bought to coax him. 

Anyone who sees them will doubt who is the kid here. 

" Sorry, I was just playing with you..." She whined. 

He huffed and turned his face away, from her. 

" Aww, baby Ryan is angry!" She said in the tone same as Mellina's.

It made him remember her, he checked his watch to see the time. 

There were was an hour before her landing. 

She sat beside him showing the ice cream in front of his face, he moved a bit away from her. 

She moved a bit closer to him and stretched her hand in front of his face.

She moved once again and he repeated his action, when he was on the edge of the bench a goofy smile appeared on her face. 

She moved closer once again and the next second he was on the floor groaning and rubbing his butt as he fell down on the ground.