The Angels

" No, Ryan! It's scary and ugly!" Angel scrunched her nose. 

" But still I wanna post it! You look cute!" He said. 

It's nothing but they were arguing about the picture that was taken after the ice cream fun. 

In the picture, she couldn't differentiate which is her face and which is the ground because all the mud and grass were on their face. 

" It will ruin your reputation!" She said, no. Whined, to be exact! 

" I am not a girl, everyone will find it cute and not ugly! I don't care about reputation!" He added. 

She looked at with a scrutinizing gaze. 

  " You? Don't care about reputation? Right! I believed you, happy?" She asked sarcastically. 

" Though not all the time still..." He scratched his neck. 

Yeah! Yeah!" She said sarcastically. 

  " Oh, my gosh!" Ryan exclaimed. 

Note: A fake exclamation. 

" What happened?" She rushed and looked into his phone.