Promoting the cafe

" Oh shit!" Mellina muttered and pulled him. 

" What happened?" He asked as he ran behind her. 

" You stupid why did you remove your shades? The people there identified you!" She scolded him as they slid inside the car. Mellina sat in the driver's seat while Ryan on the passenger seat. 

Though the place was not packed up, yet there was quite an amount of people. 

Jeniffer sensed it so she dragged Angel and Lorenzo with her. 

First, Ryan and Mellina drove away from the place followed by Jen, Lorenzo, and Angel in Lorenzo's car. 

They followed Mel's car. Mel drove towards an isolated road, she stopped the car near a cafe that barely had any customers. 

" That was close!" Ryan sighed. 

" Yeah, and you are stupid!" She smacked his head. 

" I am not! It was a parking lot, I didn't expect the crowd there.." He shrugged.