Hate to see Vulnerability

Fred and Daniel were in Fred's home discussing things.

" Though we know it was that stupid's act, we still have to stay silent to watch her next movements." Fred nodded to what Daniel said. 

" I really don't understand, how can she draft such a dumb plan? I mean even a child would how strong Ryan and Vivaan's relationship is, how did she not know? I mean from the start it was her aim to get Ryan. Then she should have known about Ryan. " Fred said confused. 

" Yeah, even if she planned to break their relationship, she should do gradually, well thanks to her. Now their relationship is going to be stronger than before. What about Mellina, you are not planning to tell her?" Daniel asked sipping his drink. 

" No, for time being we decided not to. But I know we can't hold it for more days sooner or later she will get to know." Fred sighed. 

" Hmm..." He hummed.