Chapter 14: Bakugo's Tantrum

11 in the morning, I was just trying to get a good rest after spending ours extending the limit of my Curtain. I was still recovering my energy then suddenly Baguko and Izuku charged into my room.

"Oi Kazumi! Fight me." said Bakugo.

"No, leave. I want to rest and I don't want to talk to you." I said covering my head with my sheets.

"Bakugo, I think you should calm down a bit. Kazumi just woke up." said Izuku.

Finally someone that understands, I was about to go insane.

"Kazu~~Wake up!" said Misery jumping on top of me.

"Ugh, get off of me. You're heavy you know?" I said.

"Now that you're up let's fight." said Bakugo.

"No, I don't want to." I replied.

"But you haven't fought me since we met." Bakugo protested.

"I don't care, you'll lose anyways." I said.

"No, I've gotten stronger and I could beat you." protested Bakugo.

"Too bad, my mom will get mad if I fight one of my friends." I said.

"It's fine Kazumi, you should also teach your friends sometimes." said my mom

"Traitor." I muttered.

"Haha! Let's fight." said Bakugo.

"Outside, I need to get ready." I said pushing them out the door.

"Hey Kazu, I have a question before I leave." said Misery.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you always wear the blindfold?" Misery asks.

"Of course, maybe I'll wear something else today. Now get out." I said.

I put on an all white outfit to make fun of the guy that I obliterated. If he's watching I hope he's mad. I put on the round black sunglasses I bought from the mall, this was the first time I was going to wear it. Taking off my blindfold, I put them on.

It limited the information of my eyes perfectly, I might even wear this whenever I go outside. I looked into the mirror and checked my outfit once again. White hoodie, white sweatpants, mixed with the round black sunglasses. It was perfect.

I walked down and greeted my parents then turned towards my friends.

"Well, where are we going to fight? At the park again?" I asked.

"Kazu, you're going to fight wearing an all white outfit?" asked Misery.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses?" asked Izuku.

"I don't care about any of these stuff, let's head over to the park and fight!"said Bakugo.

I didn't bother answering them since it would be too troublesome to explain.

After a long noisy walk, we arrived at the park. There were other kids here but none really stood out.

"Let's get started then Bakugo." I said.

He rushed towards me and did a kick towards my face which I casually side stepped. I'll play with him a bit, so far he hasn't used his quirk yet. He delivered punches, kicks, and even combinations but was dodged by me. After all I could see everything even with these sunglasses. His face turned solemn and his palms had mini explosions.

I guess he decided to use his quirk now, he's getting a bit frustrated. He ran towards me and I knew what he was going to do. I jumped out of the way before any of this explosions could touch me, I was going to activated Boundless just in case.

His quirk made me dodge a bit more carefully to not let it touch me, after all I was in a white hoodie. I was deciding whether or not I should end this quickly but my thoughts were interrupted.

Deactivated his quirk, he threw a punch to my right which I dodged by moving left. He bent down and delivered a kick swing hoping to knock me off balance but I jumped. Mid-air, he activated his quirk again and attempted to hit me with it. Nope it wasn't happening. I landed on the ground and bent delivering a leg swing causing him to fall making him also hit himself with his own explosion.

"You've gotten better but you're far from beating me." I said with a smug grin.

"Whatever." said Bakugo gritting his teeth.

"Well that's that." said Misery.

"Nice." said Izuku again with his notebook.

There were kids and parents staring at us without us realizing it. I saw a kid with black hair and smiled but she turned away. I heard someone call her and I think it was Momo.

"Now then, let's keep playing." I exclaimed.

(A/N: I finished ch 1 of the naruto fanfic but i don't plan to release it anytime soon.)