Chapter 17: Entrance Exam

It was the day of the entrance exam, the funny looking guy was explaining the rules. I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

I would finally meet Misery again, I wondered how she was doing but I was pulled out of my thoughts when the bell rung signaling it started.

After the bell rung, all the students rushed towards the robot to get the highest score. I was the fastest one to reach one the robots and punched one. My first reaction was soft then realized I had been training my entire life.

I decided to test out one of my abilities, I jumped on top of a building and saw a dozen robots and students were heading towards there.

"Sorry not sorry for this." I said smiling.

[Domain Expansion: Void Manipulation]

Soon, the robots were surrounded by a black space filled with countless black holes. They couldn't move at all due to what they were experiencing,


The robots were destroyed leaving their parts on the ground. My domain expansion allows me to create a space where I'm able to manipulate space, density, and mass. To other people, it simply looked like the robots were destroyed but if they were in my domain. They would also see what I did. I chuckled a bit before leaving and destroying more robots.

There were simply too much robots for an entrance exam, I've destroyed about 75 robots and there was someone ahead of me and I knew who she was. Misery, I decided it was time to it fully utilize my abilities.

Taking off my sunglasses, I used it once again.

[Domain Expansion: Void Manipulation]

I covered the entire area of the entrance exam with my space, with my Six Eyes utilizing my domain. I was able to gather countless information because everything was my space, I knew everything that was in it.

"84 robots left, I'll take most of them I guess. Destroy." I ordered.

Soon, 60 robots were suddenly destroyed stunning the students and the people in the watching room. I had destroyed 135 robots and the exam soon came to an end.

(Somewhere in the watching room)

"What is this? The arena I created felt like it suddenly wasn't mine again." said Cement.

"It was that girl on top of the building, she put her arms together and did a sign. Suddenly most of the robots were destroyed, do any of you guys know her?" asked a man.

"White hair girl, blue eyes, that's Kazumi Gojo. Her doctor stated that her quirk was an ocular quirk called Six Eyes, it is said that she's able to see everything and control everything. It has something to do with a spatial technique." said Midnight.

"Interesting." said Endeavor.

(Kazumi POV)

The exam ended but there were a couple students gathered at a place. Jumping off the building and fixing my sunglasses, I decided to check it out. A green haired boy was on the ground with broken body parts and another girl passed out. I guess he tried saving her, what an idiot.

That quirk All Might gave him was suicide, just because it reminded him of his past self. I knew since I thought it was a little suspicious and overheard their conversation.

"The exam is over. The rankings will be announced, first place 135 villain points and 0 rescue points. Second place Misery Tokisaki, 110 villain points with 70 rescue points!" said the announcer has he announced all the rankings.

I was about to leave when I felt someone on my back, I already knew who it was.

"Get off me Misery." I said.

"Wow, good to see you too. Congratulations on getting first place! I swore I was first, how did you do it?" Misery asked getting off my back.

"Well it's just my technique and that I'm stronger." I said patting her head.

"Don't pat my head, I'm taller than you! Hmpf." pouted Misery.

"One year older and still a kid." I said sighing.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Let's go home now, we have to wait for the letters." said Misery.

"Alright." I replied.

(A week later)

I was sitting on the couch with Misery as we stared at the letters that arrived moments ago.

"Are we going to open it yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, I need to get ready." said Misery jumping up and down.

"Whatever, hurry up." I said.

We opened our letters and a hologram All Might appeared.

"Congratulations Kazumi/Misery on getting into the world's number one hero school!"

said the hologram All Might.

"HAHA WE MADE IT!" screamed Misery jumping up and down excitedly.

"Yeah, I know." I replied.

"How come you don't seem so surprised?" asked the pouting Misery.

"Because I was ranked first, of course I got in." I replied.

"Whatever, now get ready!" said Misery.

My eyes widened when Misery was in the air about to crush the me lying on the couch. Before I could react, I was groaning in pain while Misery was laughing at me.

"Haha! That's what you get." said Misery with a smug grin.

"You're heavy Misery, don't do that again." I said using reversed technique to ease the pain.

"Hmpf, did you see the girl that stared at you like she wanted to kill you?" asked Misery.

"What girl? I didn't notice anyone staring at me." I said confused.

"What?! She had black hair and she could create things. I saw her and she was pretty strong." said Misery.

"Did you catch her name?" I asked.

"Nope, didn't bother." said Misery.

"Sigh, what am I going to do with you?" I asked.