Chapter 19: Nickname and Outfit

I woke up around 6 in the morning, I still need to train in order to get stronger. Looking at the horizon, sunrise will soon arrive. Putting on a workout outfit, I went out and went for a fun.The air was chilly, yet peaceful, and most humanity hasn't woken up yet.

I decided to have some fun while I'm out, I decided to fly. By manipulating the gravity around me, it allows me to fly. Similar to moving an object, I'm simply moving myself. This allows me to fly and close distances really quick.

In the clouds, it provided enough air for me. The city from above looked peaceful, I wonder if this is how god feels looking over a world. He must be fairly disappointed on how dangerous this city really is, well he probably knows that. I decided to see what the city was doing, taking off my blindfold.

[Domain Expansion: Void Manipulation]

I spread my space across part of the city and I had a slight headache from all the information. Jogging, cars moving, a lost dog, and a sweets shop opening, wait a sweets shop opening. I smiled, I had a sweet tooth in this life and my past life.

"Yo, can I have a few lollipops and chocolate?" I asked placing what I wanted on the counter.

"That'll be 547 Yen." said the fairly young woman. 20-30s probably.

I sat on a bench near a park, before I ate I took out my phone texting my mom and Misery that I'll see them at school. The chocolate had a sweet taste, it was definitely good. On a bench, a silver haired girl with a blindfold was eating sweets. I chuckled at the narrating, soon enough it was time for school. I went ontop of a secured and private roof and quickly pulled out my uniform from my space to change.

It was already time for school.

"Kazumi Gojo, get to your seat. You're 5 minutes late." said Aizawa.

"My bad, yo Misery." I waved.

"Late." replied Misery.

I shook my head and chuckled. A moment later, the R-rated Hero comes in. The entire class was in awe while Misery and I shook our heads and laughed mentally.

"Hello, I am the pro hero Midnight. Today you're going to create your hero costumes, draw and write your hero names on this piece of paper." said Midnight making Aizawa hand us all the papers.

"Couldn't you let me sleep for a bit?" asked Aizawa.

"You need to teach your class." replied Midnight.

The class chuckled.

My first thought was the costume which I had already decided. An all black high necked jacket with matching pants that covers my thighs and dark dress boots that go up past my knees. This outfit allowed me to utilize my movements really well since it was the same as my past life.

I drew my blindfold and sunglasses in case they didn't know, a hero name. I didn't think of a name yet, I'll save it for later.

"Time is up everyone, Izuku Midoriya. Come up and tell us your hero name." says Midnight.

"My hero name is Deku." says Izuku walking back a bit red.

Bakugo chose Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite, I gave him a slap in the head, and asked if he was a 4 year old but only got a glare as a reply. His reaction was pretty funny. It was Misery's turn.

"The Time Hero, Tempo. Though I would rather be called Tempo." said Misery. I guess the hero name did make sense, her quirk is time, and her name is related to time. Then it was my turn,

"The Limitless: Athena." I said.

"How'd you come up with that nickname, it sounds pretty cool. Though why didn't you add hero?" asked Misery.

"Athena is goddess of wisdom, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. I'd say I am pretty similar to her because of my intellect and strength. The Limitless means to have unlimited potential and I didn't add hero because the word hero wouldn't fit with Athena. Athena is also the goddess of righteousness whom believes what is right in her own opinions." I said.

"Oh! That's actually pretty smart for a nickname!" exclaimed Misery.

The rest of the class finished up their presenting their nicknames.

Soon it was already afternoon.

"I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" yelled someone coming in the classroom.

"ALL MIGHT!" the entire class exclaimed.

"Good afternoon everyone! I'm your heroics teacher and we'll be doing battle trials." said All Might taking out a box.

"Go to the changing room to change your hero costumes that has been prepared for you, after that follow me to the training grounds." said All Might.

"Each fight will be consisted of two teams, one team being the heroes and one team being the villains. The heroes objective is deactivating the fake bomb while the villains has to defend it. Just by touching the fake bomb is enough to deactivate it. Everybody line up!"

"The first team will consist of Kazumi Gojo and Momo Yaoyorozu as the villain team, and they will be against Tokisaki Misery and Shoto Todoroki as the hero team."

This will be fun, I get to test Misery after all these years, and Todoroki has another ability he has yet to show. Interesting,

"Momo, with our intellect we should be able to come up with a plan to defeat them." I said.

"Got any ideas?" asked Momo.

"Rush in, fight Misery." I said.

"That's not a plan, you just want to fight." said Momo deadpanning me.

"Oh, I'll prevent Misery since with your quirk it'll be hard to deal with her. You can take on Todoroki, make something that can counter his ice. Be careful though, they're also smart and strong." I said.

"Alright, I'll separate them and we can take them on individually. If you need help, just yell." said Momo.

"Alright and I should be telling you that." I said with a chuckle.

Now then, let the battle trials begin.

(A/N: Sorry for the cliff hanger, if you guys come up with nicknames for her I'll gladly change it but for now I'm sticking with Athena.)