After the attack, we all went back to the school bus, and started heading back to school.
Our parents would be picking us up at school so it would be safer for us, quite troublesome.
"How was the fight Kazumi?" asked Misery.
With that question, everyone on the bus turned towards me.
"Hmm, troublesome?" I said.
"Is that all?" asked Momo.
"I mean of course, villain attacks are troublesome. Nothing good really comes out of it." I said.
Everyone on the bus deadpanned me and sighed while I shrugged my shoulders.
I took off my messed up blindfold and replaced them with my sunglasses.
I closed my eyes and started to think.
Cursed Technique Reversal, known for healing,
Though in my case, I am literally reversing the effect of something.
If my brain decided to fry, I would simply reverse the effects of my brain frying, and it would've never happening.
「Cursed Technique Reversal: Shiro 」
It reverses the mass of an object making it seem like it never existed in the first place.
I was stronger than I was in my past life, that was for sure. I was able to fully push myself to the limits and if I ever mess up my body, reversal would be there to help me.
「 Cursed Technique Collapse: Yin and Yang」
Kuro would increase the mass of something making the object explode and disappear because of mass overload. Shiro reverses the mass of something making it seem like it never existed, it was never decreasing the mass. Yet, the results are the same, it was simply more controllable and stronger than before.
This life is getting better and better is what I thought until I was aggressively shaken out of my thoughts by Misery.
Maybe I will destroy a star after all.
"What is it Misery?" I asked half asleep.
"We've arrived at school." said Misery.
"That was pretty quick." I replied.
"You were in so deep thought that's why, sometimes I want to see what's going on inside your head." said Misery.
"If you gain the ability to mind read, I'll let you peer into my head." I replied.
"I'l do my best to gain that ability!" said Misery jokingly as we got off the bus.
As soon as we got off the bus, there were news reporters everywhere.
"How many villains were there?"
"Were they strong?"
"What's your name?"
I was getting bombarded by questions, they must've seen me when we were at the facility.
I looked over at Aizawa for help but his eyes told me tell them, with a sigh, I decided to.
"Calm down, I'll tell you guys." I said loud enough for them to hear.
Misery looked at me nervously.
"I forgot everything about the villains because I gained enlightenment in return so it's fine. I am The Limitless: Athena. Limitless meaning I am boundless and will continue to get stronger. Athena because I'm quite similar to her as I'm smart, strong, and I follow my own justice." I said.
"That's it," and I started walking away.
I was able to walk away with ease because they were surprised on what I just said.
I received a text from my mom saying they were busy and had that I had to walk home, I guess that's fine.
"Don't forget you owe me." said Misery poking my cheek.
"Alright, here since I'm too lazy." I said handing her 10 dollars.
"Thanks." said Misery.
We entered the class and got to our usual seats.
Soon enough, Aizawa came in.
"Quiet down everyone. As you guys know, we were just attacked by villains but we'll be doing a sports festival." said Aizawa.
"Weren't we just attacked by villains?"
"Yes but this year is important, you wouldn't want to miss out on being called the strongest class right?" said Aizawa.
The entire class nodded in approval.
"Kazumi, why don't you give a speech to 1-A about the sports festival?" asked Aizawa.
"Sure." I said getting up to the front of the class.
"Uh, everyone do your best *yawn* don't lose *yawn* and kill them all." I said lazily.
"How'd I do?" I asked Aizawa.
"Terrible." he replied.
"Should've asked the class president." I said,
The class nodded in agreement.
"Well, that was the speech. But forget what Kazumi said about killing everyone." said Aizawa.
"HIEEE!" said the class.
Soon, I arrived at home and saw my dad, mom, and little sister watching the TV.
"What're you guys watching?" I asked.
"We're watching your hero debut." said my mother.
The screen showed the scene when I just got off the bus.
"The Limitless: Athena?" asked my dad.
"It sounds cool!" said Azumi.
"I know it does." I said with a smile completely ignoring my dad.
"Though did you really forget everything?" asked my mother.
I nodded in response.
"Because you gained enlightenment?"
I nodded in response.
"Were the villains strong?" asked Azumi.
"Nope but they sure was stronger than you." I said ruffling my sister's hair.
"You messed up hair!" pouted Azumi.
"Fine, I'll fix it." I said.
"Really?" asked Azumi.
"Yep." I replied.
15 minutes later, I had tied her hair in braids.
"You're pretty Azumi." I said.
"Haha! Of course!" exclaimed Azumi.
"Well I'm going to rest now, there's the sports festival I have to get ready for." I said.
"Are you excited?" asked my dad.
"Of course, I get to fight stronger people." I replied.
"So you're only excited about fighting?" asked my dad.
"Yeah." I replied.
"One day, you're going to get in trouble by the heroes because you wanted to fight" said my mother.
"Not sure about that but if they wanted to fight me I wouldn't mind." I said.
"Now sayonara~ I need to sleep." I said.
Soon enough, I drifted into dreamland.
The next day, I woke up with extra energy.
I must've been pretty excited about the Sports Festival last night.
I was going to fight Misery, though it's sad that I couldn't fight using 100% since I would destroy the entire stadium.
Now then, let the sports festival commence!