Chapter 27: Sports Festival II

I was currently sitting on the field when I saw a familiar heat signature, it must be them.

Taking off my blindfolds to get a closer look, it was my mom and little sister. Hehe, they came to see me win, but mom is definitely going to scold me for eating sweets.

When I made eye contact with them, I gave them a smile, and waved my hands. They greeted me back but my mother mouthed the words 'stop eating sweets.'

Being the wonderful daughter I am, I listened.

Soon enough, there were several loud noises coming from the tunnel I came from. Misery came in second while Deku surprisingly came in third, I wonder what type of magic he did to pass Todoroki and Bakugo. Misery probably used the accelerating time bullet on herself, she was pretty fast.

Everyone else started arriving and now we entered the second round.

"The second round of the U.A. sports festival is a cavalry battle! Those at the top will suffer more, you'll hear this many times when you attend U.A. This is what Plus Ultra means, Kazumi Gojo, who places forced in the qualifier, is worth ten million points!" said Midnight pointing at me.

Great, now everyone's going to team up on me.

After Midnight explained the rules of it, it was kind of surprising a few people actually came up to me. But there was only one person I wanted.

"Misery, let's team up." I said.

"Sure, you'll be the rider while I'm the horse." replied Misery.

"Shouldn't you be the rider?" I asked.

"No, I can accelerate my time to make us faster and your arms are longer, plus you have fast reflexes to help you." said Misery.

She must've thought about it but,

"You do know there's a 10 million point bounty on my head right?" I asked.

"Yeah so? It's not like you'll let them take it will you?" said Misery.

"You truly know me." I replied grinning.

"Of course, I've been with you for 12 years. Now get ready." said Misery.

"Now let the cavalry battle commence!" yelled Present Mic

"I'm surprised you can carry me around like this." I said looking out for people.

"I'm stronger than you physically you know?" said Misery.

I believed it, there was no point in not believing it anyways.

I started looking around and there were several people from class 1-b coming at me. Though something caught my eye, a green haired girl started praying then vines started growing from her hair and coming at me.

Vine spiritualist?

The vine was coming towards us then suddenly there was ice to my right?

So it's basically a 2 vs all? Well, I don't think this isn't fair considering how strong I am.

Before the attacks could reach,

「 Domain Expansion: Void Manipulation」


Haha! Within my domain, I control everything.

The attacks suddenly stopped a few feet from us.

"Keep running Misery, we'll breeze through this." I said,

"Of course." replied Misery.

We were able to get away but things started even getting more troublesome.

I took off my blindfold to observe every attack incoming towards.

Tongue girl with the purple ball, ice and fire guy, explosion dude, and a few class 1-b people.

An attack surrounding us from all angles, hmmm.

"You got an idea Kazumi?" asked Misery.

"Of course I do, you just keep running. Don't worry, nothing will touch us." I replied.

She nodded in reply and I started using my brain.

I decided not to use Boundless since if I did use it, it wouldn't be fun anymore.

If I was able to constantly contain my Boundless, then couldn't I contain my Domain Expansion constantly? Although it does kind of sound too good to be true, it's not impossible. With that thought, I decided to try it out.

「 Domain Expansion: Void Manipulation ; Constant」

The original Void Manipulation spreads their space around a certain area, but what if I control the space and constantly move it around? Using my Six Eyes, I could perceive everything in extreme detail, much better than the high resolution thermography I see through the blindfold.

I started to focus on spreading my space to the incoming attacks, it was a bit difficult to do but I was able to control it using Six Eyes. The attacks were constantly moving meaning I have to move my space at the same pace with the attack.

Once the attack started coming and my space covered it.


All of their attacks started to literally crumbling making it seem like it wasn't there at all. There were cheers in the crowd and a few surprised faces. After that, some people started to go after other people while Izuku and Todoroki didn't.


Izuku had robots attached to him which I assume the pink haired girl with them built it, she's smart. There was the short hair girl who seems to be able to control their gravity making them easier to run, not bad. Then there's the crow carry Izuku, a decent team.

Then there's Todoroki, Momo, lightning guy, and the class president. Although they don't seem to talk to each other much, they do have some teamwork.

Deku was coming in close to my right and Todoroki was preparing an attack on my right.

No need to use Domain Expansion now, I put my blindfold back on and waited for Todoroki's attack.

A sheet of ice started coming at me,

"Perfect." I said grinning.

"What is it?" asked Misery.

"Throw me up." I replied.

Without any hesitation she threw me up in the air and Todoroki's ice passed through where I was and went towards Deku. Luckly Deku boosted forward to avoid it.

I was still in the air and another sheet of ice came at me, I could probably use this to get back to where Misery was.

"Misery, get ready!" I yelled.

She yelled back in response.

The sheet of ice came towards my chest but before it hit, I grabbed onto the ice and jumped on top of it. It was pure luck my hands didn't slip, the ice quickly retracted, and I jumped.

"Catch me Misery!" I said.

"No problem." replied Misery.

She caught me and put me back on her back with ease.

Now what more do you have in for us my classmates and class 1-b?