Chapter 35: Sad and Happy

"I want you to go on a date with me!" I said.

She gave me a strange look, "A date?"


"Why though?"

"What do you mean why? It's a request, there's no reason." I replied.

"Fine, come pick me up at 7." said Misery walking out of the school.

By the look of Misery's face, she's probably straight but...hehe~

I took out a lollipop and popped it in my mouth, there was a place I wanted to visit.


"Hello!" I said the the lady sitting on the chair.

"Who are you?" asked the lady.

"I'm a classmate of Ida, I'm guessing you're his mom since you guys look quite similar."

"Haha~ I guess we do. I'm Kenichi Lida, please call me Kenichi. You're a classmate of Ida anyways."

"I'm Kazumi Gojo, please call me Gojo. Hmm, Ida should we arriving any second now."

Right when I said that,

"Mother!" yelled Ida.

He spotted me then gave a confused look but nevertheless hugged his mother.

"How is my brother doing?" asked Ida.

He ran over to the door and opened it, the sight wasn't very good to the eye.

There were bandages on him, strings attached, and an oxygen mask. He looked like he was quite in a battle but something was off.

I lifted my blindfold a bit and saw it, there was a decent amount of blood loss. He was paralyzed too, I'd say he was unparalyzed 30 minutes ago, which was why he was still in his haze but he should wake up soon.

He was lucky he was still alive, came in 5 minutes later and he would've been dead.

"Doctor, have you checked his blood pressure?" I ask.

"Not yet." replied the doctor.

"Well go check it, it should explain a few things." I said.

The doctor gave me a skeptical look but got ready for it.

"Why are you here Kazumi?" asked Ida.

"Hmm? Oh, during the end of the sports festival. There was a weird feeling in the air, it turns out your brother had been hurt fatally with blood spilled. And when blood is spilled, an experienced fighter will always feel the weird tension in the air." I replied.

"I see." muttered Ida.

"Tenya...Mother..." said a voice.

I guess it was my time to leave, I had a date to attend. I knew they wanted to ask me a couple things but, maybe another time.

In an instant, I had already appeared in front of her house.

She wore a straight up black dress...well it's just like her.

I wore a black round hat, round black sunglasses, a small piece outfit, and black boots. I'm looking fine as hell right now and I knew that.

"Yo! You ready?" I ask.

"Yep, let's go." replied Misery.

I took her arm and teleported her to the amusement park.

There was going to be an event since today was a special day!

In this world, they celebrated many things that I do not know of. I actually still don't know what the day was but it was a special day, since they were going to hold an event in this amusement park.

"I will never get used to your teleportation..." groaned Misery.

"Oi! Don't puke all over my outfit. I spent a lot of time picking this out." I said covering myself with my arms.

She gave me a slight glare, "Who's fault is that? You're the one who teleported without a warning."

I chuckled, I tapped her forehead and reversed the effect making it seem like it was never there.

"What'd you do?" asked Misery.

"A magic trick." I replied.

She didn't reply but instead gazed at a certain direction.

It was one of those sky towers that would bring you up then drop you.

"Wanna go on it?" I ask.

"Yep!" said Misery.

I guess she can be cute too, but I did not like her in a romantic way.

I asked her out here today was to confirm somethings and maybe tell her something important.

We made our way to the short line of the tower, there weren't a lot of people since they were scared of it.

It wasn't even that bad, it was only about 18 meters high which is about 59 feet high.

The person in charge of it strapped us in and we waited for it to go up.

"Are you scared Mis?~"

"Of course not!"

I laughed, I knew she was a bit scared of heights and she was probably trying to conquer it.

We started going up and up until we reached the top.

Misery had sweat dripping down the back of my neck making me laugh.


We instantly dropped and Misery let out a scream while I just laughed. Though I was still wondering how my sunglasses didn't fall off but oh well. We dropped and stopped about 3 times until we finally made it back down.

Misery was limping and holding her stomach.

I tapped her forehead and made reversed the effect.

Color came back to her face and she immediately felt better.

We made our way to the different stands and bought each other different kinds of foods. I snuck a little ice cream onto her ice cream and accidentally got some on her cheeks and hair.

"Kazumi! You'll pay for this!" said Misery.

I laughed at her funny appeareance.

She threw my own ice cream at me but I activated Boundless just in time and watched the ice slide down from my barrier.

"I hate that ability of yours." muttered Misery.

"You can reverse time, you're lucky." I replied.

"Oh right." said Misery.

Suddenly I was in the spot I was before a few minutes ago and a cold sensation on my cheek.

This girl used a reverse time bullet on me just to get ice cream on me, childish?

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yep, that's what you get." said Misery.

We both chuckled and walked to where the event was going to be held.

"By the way you're not going to confess right?" asked Misery.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"I'm an aromantic." replied Misery.

"Well, I had an intuition but I never thought it was true." I said.

Misery never paid attention to others, boy or girl, I can tell she didn't really care. She only paid attention to herself and people close to her.

"Good, maybe your soulmate is somewhere in the world." said Misery.


"Achoo." said a certain girl.


The fireworks started and was displayed across the night sky.

"I wished we could stay like this forever."


"Though there will be no forever, someday I might even become your enemy."

Luckily the firework covered the sentence I just said.

Oh well, I guess I'll just enjoy this while it lasts...