Sometimes There's Just Nothing Good on Television

When Heidi moved to Arizona she got a job at a Chinese restaurant and rented a room from a guy who owned a trailer in the hills of Show Low. The weather was

temperamental at the best of times, with spring being one hundred degrees in the shade one day and buried under three feet of snow the next. It was on one of those three

footer days, when she rose from her slumber, got ready for work and then realized she couldn't go anywhere. Not until the Bing Crosby greetings card retreated; not until the hinges thawed and the tin can she lived in released her.

Returning to the living room she punched the on button on the television remote control and was confronted with two hundred channels of static. Sighing she crashed into the couch, bored and with nothing but white surrounding her, mocking her restless nature. The sound of springs creaking perked up her ears. Slow and quietly she moved across the room like a jaguar stalking its prey. As she reached

Oliver's door she turned the handle with her well-manicured hand before darting inside. Sprawled out across his bed Oliver lay naked with a dirty magazine in one hand and his cock firmly controlled in the other.

He had a good big cock, the kind that could pack a month's supply of turkeyneck up inside her tunnel. Shocked by the sudden intrusion Oliver pulled the sheets back over himself, his tent poking high above the flattened terrain of the bed.

'What the fuck, Heidi? What are you doing here?!'

'We're snowed in, what are you doing here?!'

'Masturbating, it's my trailer, I can masturbate here if I want to masturbate here.' he yelled defensively.

'Don't waste it.' Heidi replied, pulling off her jeans before hooking her panties with her fingers and dragging them off her damp box

'You've got a good sized dick on you, we're snowed in and the television is on the fritz. I'm bored and you're wanking, which puts me in the mood for wanking too. So how about we fuck for a bit?'

He looked her up and down, she had been shedding clothes the entire time she was talking so she stood before him in her smooth voluptuous skin. Large ripe tits with big puffy nipples and the tastiest looking slit he'd seen in a while. Tossing the magazine to one side he opened his arms inviting Heidi in, she climbed on board and forced his mushroom head inside her snapper.


Releasing big salty he lit a cigarette and strolled naked to the kitchen to make toast whistling John Henry.

The same thing happened the following day but by day three the snow thawed and Heidi lost interest in his pork.

A few months later she got herself a regular boyfriend who stopped over most nights and put the moves to her. One night Oliver lay on his bed, parched with thirst. Climbing to his feet, he staggered to the kitchen for a glass of water, bumping into Heidi who'd quickly tossed on her beau's Grateful Dead tee.

'I didn't know you were up.' she said.

'How could I sleep with the racket you're making?'

'You're listening to us screwing?' her tone accusatory.

'It's not like I'm trying, I'm horny. I can't sleep.'


'Who can masturbate when there's a piece of ass like you at the other end of the trailer?' Oliver sighed gulping down a pint of clear.

Dropping to her knees Heidi plucked his hammer free of his shorts pumped it firm and jammed it in her mouth. With the vigour of a child with a jawbreaker candy she sucked at him, demanding the cream from his loins. His knees trembled, balls tighten, and filled her mouth.

Swallowing, she stood up poured herself a drink and returned to bed. Fall passed but on the first day of winter Heidi walked out of her job. It was the fifth in a year she'd stormed from, telling Oliver she can't make rent because the owner was a fucking pig.

'He can't keep his god-damn hands to himself, he's a sexist pig. I was cleaning out the store room. He came in, grabbed my tits and tried pulling his cock out… so I slugged him.'

'There's one thing for it,' Oliver sighed 'we're going to have to rent out the other room.'

Within the week Heidi had cleared the marijuana plants from the back room and cleaned it up real good. She had gotten some hours working in a bar and subsequently took a shine to a drifter who had parked up on the stool two days running and tipped pretty good. When he finally asked about accommodation in the area she volunteered the

spare room.

Driving up the tire-trodden lane to the trailer Heidi pulled over and waved to Oliver who watched from the living room, hoping the stray she had picked up to share his trailer wouldn't look like a member of the Manson Family or some deadbeat who couldn't make bank. He was at least half relieved as Nick climbed from the passenger seat,

tossing his duffle bag over his shoulder and wiping his hand along his bearded chin.

'Nick's a writer.' Heidi beamed excitedly 'He's here for…'

'Two months.' Nick aided.

'Two months, and he can move in immediately.' she concluded, ecstatic with her selection.

'Ok,' said Oliver finally 'let me show you the room.'

Grabbing Nick's bag, Oliver walked him from the living

room/kitchen to the corridor that led past the bathroom, past Heidi's room and the room housing the electrics to his trailer. Inside, Nick ran an eye over the place. A little dark, a little cold, a little tired and beat-up but he'd slept in worse. Nodding, he said I'll take it before asking.

'What's the deal with that one?' pointing through the closed door, down the corridor to the couch where Heidi was sitting.

'She's a little wild, she doesn't know what she wants and she doesn't know a good thing when she's fucking got it. What kind of writer are you?'

'Short stories mainly,' Nick said nodding his head 'but I'm working my way up to a novel.'

'Well there's a full novel in her, but I wouldn't recommend chasing it. She's hazardous to a man's health.'

The threesome sat on the porch of the trailer drinking Mexican beer, smoking weed they had grown in Nick's room and staring out into the quiet mountain town. Asked where the name came from Oliver explained the origins of the town, and in turn clarified a lot about the people that had been saddled up and gulping down there for generations. High and a little uncertain on their feet Heidi, and Nick, and Oliver wished each other a good night before retiring to their rooms.

In the morning Oliver stood in the cubicle sized bathroom

washing his teeth when Heidi walked from Nick's room in her panties, to the fridge where she'd drain down a beer before turning into her own room, crashing down forcefully on her undisturbed bed. Popping a head in Oliver seethed, his ego raging with raw rejection. He wanted nothing more than to pin her to the wall and fuck it through her screaming this is what you've reduced me to, you cunt! Breathing deep he said…

'Aren't you meant to be working today?'

'Can't, tired.' she grunted back, pulling the blankets over her face.

'So, what? You're going to lose this job too?'

'Fuck Ollie, there's other god-damn jobs… don't be such a little pussy-fart!'

'Fine. Good luck with that.' he yelled storming out of the room grabbing his jeans from the tumble dryer and heading straight out the door.

Watching it all unfold Nick could still taste her, she tasted like trouble and honey.

Three weeks would pass, all the while Heidi would fuck Nick right under Oliver's nose and then she'd cool, turn bored and look elsewhere. Nick and Oliver would meet each other in the middle of the night during their trips to the kitchen for glasses of water as Heidi screamed the trailer

down like a god-damn banshee.

One morning Oliver woke early. The trailer was quiet, the hills asleep. He sat at the edge of his bed and considered ending it all; not in that way. He liked himself too much to do anything so permanent but rather selling the trailer, kicking Heidi out and putting as many miles between him and her as possible. He'd stay in contact with Nick, he

liked Nick. Nick hadn't done anything wrong, he was just another man who thought long and hard with something that was long and hard.

She had cuckolded Nick just as she had cuckolded him. They had a lot in common. Lacing up his boots Oliver went to the front door and pushed. Nothing. He pushed again. The wood sat rigid in the frame, wiping down the window he looked outside. The detail of the world had been deleted, wiped clear, nothing outside but a crisp white emptiness;

a sheet of white waiting to be doodled over by God's hand. Grabbing a beer he returned to bed and phoned in to work.

'It's a bad one,' he said 'I don't know how long we'll be stuck here.'

Three days went by and the residents of the trailer prowled and growled at one another like caged animals as the cabin fever slowly but surely took root in their winter-damp bones. On the fourth day Nick woke first and discovered that the wind had snatched from them the television aerial again. Smacking the set with his hand he returned to his room and sat down in front of his laptop.

A knock came to the door a few hours later. It was Heidi

summoning him to the living room. When he presented himself there Oliver was crashed out on the couch, a little high from weed. Taking a seat next to him the two men watched as Heidi paced back and forth on the floor in front of them as though she was about to try and sell them a timeshare.

'Ok, so this week has been very tense.' she stated 'The snow's lying thick, it's still falling, there's no signs of it stopping and we're running out of food and patience in equal measure. We've no television and both of you seem to hate me.'

'Yup.' Oliver confessed.

'I wouldn't say hate, I'm just a little confused.'

'But I have an idea. I think the three of us should fuck each

other. Right now.'

The men stared at her as she slowly disrobed, lay down on the floor and began wanking one out of her pussy. Oliver turned to Nick, Nick turned to Oliver and the two men nodded then stripped bare.

Putting her on all fours Oliver eased up inside her cunt, grabbing two hands of ass and ramming it home. Nick cupped her mouth beating himself firm before sliding it over her tongue and down her throat. The two men humped on her like they were trying to meet in the middle, and Heidi loved the attention she got. Two captive men, all about her.

Pulling out Oliver inched half of it into her ass before she

protested. Turning to both men, her chest red and pounding and soaking with sweat she pointed to one then the other.

'I want to watch you two fuck, I want to watch that because that would be hot.'

Oliver made a move to protest against it but seeing how badly Heidi wanted it and how hard Nick was for him he simply nodded and went along with it.

When the snow finally thawed they had all but worn out each other's orifices. Their fingers permanently stained in the stench of sex and had eaten more beef and fish than any five hundred pound man. Packing his bags Nick left the trailer without saying goodbye to either of them.

A year later Oliver was living alone in an apartment in Phoenix. One day he was in a bookstore and there was a copy of a book with Show Low in the title. Picking it up, he flipped it over and found Nick's black and white image on the back. He thumbed to the first page, it read:

When Heidi moved to Arizona she got a job at a Chinese restaurant and rented a room from a guy who owned a trailer in the hills of Show Low.

The weather was temperamental at the best of times…