Chapter 2: The beginning of MengYu’s second life

Hui MengYu felt that he's floating like he's in space. Then he heard walking.

He jumped up and threw the blanket away.

'Why do I have a ...blanket?'

Sweating like a fish out of water, his clothes were soaked in his sweat. Hui MengYu looked around, it was an old ancient mixed modern house.

This is where he lived before his parents came to take him away. His grandpa's house.

The smell of sand wood calmed him down. Hui MengYu feels nostalgic. Is he dreaming of the old days again? 

His old blue bed, his school uniform hanging on the hanger, his and his buddies photographed, old black shoes.

Thinking back, his shitty life all started when he was 13. At the age of 11 his scumbag parents came back. Apologizing and sweet talking me to forgiving them. And like a fool, and a child, he believed them.

They took him away from grandpa and he never saw him again. They said that grandpa didn't want him anymore.

Hui MengYu turned to his window. They treated me pretty good at the start until I signed the Guardianship paper. After that they treated me like I'm invisible but I was fine.

'He was fine.'

'My little brother… he was only a year old. My parents gave him to grandpa to care for them. And as a kid, I believe them.

When I was 13 and my little brother, Hui ShuFen, was 3 years old.

The apocalypse started and I was not with my shitty parents and went to find ShuFen but I couldn't find him and grandpa was killed by a zombie before I came there.

After 3 months in the apocalypse, I found him in an orphanage home with other older kids.

I took them to the base and gave some food to them and took my lil brother away.

Hui ShuFen didn't believe I was his brother at first but we got along and were happy.

but he was killed in the end.

I was away on a mission and he was killed by a thug, said my mother. I shouldn't have believe her…

I regret that I believed her and didn't look into it. I just killed the thug and got his revenge simply like that...looking back on it, there is no way they are fine while his younger brother is killed. Why would they be in perfect shape? Unless they throw him out first- 

Grandpa Hui walked outside the room. At this age Hui MengYu said that he didn't want Grandpa to go into his room and privacy .

"Xiao Yu woke up. come let eat" spoked Grandpa Hui, knocking on the wood door.

"Eh, coming," I replied.

Looking at the calendar, it was 3021 July 3.

I walked down, Looking at the place where I lived in my childhood.

Hui MengYu still felt he was in a dream. So he pitched his right cheek-

'Ouch' -he can feel pain.. So is this not a dream? Did he go back to the past like the novels? But it's impossible, how? If he did, is it still his 'past'?

Hui MengYu walked to the door. Saw the mirror, seeing a young boy with tender skin and what used to be a gentle cold aura turned gloomy and cold. He stopped in his tracks. Trying to turn back the aura he used to have to cover the gloom. Adapting to how he was before, after all, what's so hard about it? He had been adapting to survive his whole life.

'If.. grandpa saw him like this when he went down.... he will know something is wrong.' 

MengYu tried to not think of the apocalypse that's going to happen and thinks happy thoughts.

He slowly turns back the aura he used to have but the bit of gloom in his eye flashes around and is still there. He couldn't' get rid of it, after all, his whole life was surrounded in a kill or be killed environment. He had forgotten how peaceful it was before that.

'Grandpa is still alive! Grandpa is still alive so think positively!!' He tried to smile but it was sloppy and stopped. It feels weird to smile…

Thinking that, he went downstairs.