Chapter 8: He was MengYu’.....

..lover from your last life YuYu! (*^-^*)]


'Ah! It's him!'

MengYu almost smacked his face.

How can you forget your own lover! Tho we didn't even started dating. I was so sad about my first love death that I seal my memory of him!

MengYu blush. As he was being pulled into ChangHao's bicycle.

"Sit tight."


Then Zhang ChangHao sat at the main set and started the bike.

A light breeze passby MengYe's face. And woke MengYu's daze.

Even though ChangHao was the one started chasing him and MengYu didn't reply.

But what he said when he was dying was honest.

"We haven't introduced each other, My name is MengYu. Surname Hui, my age is 11"

"Zhang ChangHao, 13."

"You are two years older. Then I should call you ge?"

*ge = older brother*


MengYu saw tips of his ear flushed. And he chuckled, thinking that young Haohao is cutest!

When they arrived at the city hospital ChangHao parked the bike and bring MengYu in.

The place where MengYu grandpa live was a semi city, it's like a city with all the shops and buildings. But it's also a countryside. They only allowed emergency cars or trucks in this city.

It has the scenery on the countryside, most houses are one piece and has farms here.

It has a lot of wild animals running too. It's not very popularized city but lots of rich old people live here or normal family's.

The doctor inside disinfect the injury and gives back the earring with a weird expression, When I said the reason why I have this wound.

On the way back I asked ChangHao if I can go get some fruits on the way back.

I went into the market and buy some apples, oranges, 2 bag of cherries and some mangoes, my favorite fruit.

I first but a bag of cherries in the earring.

[Ding!Ding!Side Mission store fruit x15 is complete! 'New' Side Mission store fruit x50 completed! Do you want to receive the reward Now?]


[Host is Awesome! Finnish side mission in the same day you get it! Two at that!ψ(^ ∇ ^)ψ]

'But I only but one bag in?'

[ Because Host put a lot of fruits in! 80 cherries! One cherry equal one fruit! \(°▽°)/]

'That's great!"

MengYu put some apples and mangoes in the earring. And asked

'What's the reward for the new side mission?'


Reward: beauty pill x2

Reward: land plot x1]

'land plot?'

[it's a land in system space that can grow things faster!]

MengYu was stunned! If he had this then he wouldn't starve to death even if he run out of food!

'I'm gonna receive the reward later!'

[Okay~ (o´▽`o)]

MengYu went to a seed store and bought some vegetables seeds.

And went back to where ChangHao was parked standing there.

"I'm back." said Hui MengYu smiling that he got what he wanted.

"Eh." Zhang ChangHao replied.

Looking at Hui MengYu smile. "You should smile more... It looks better." whispers Zhang ChangHao.

"Okay! Let's go." Hui MengYu said.