Chapter 18: The field trip.

My homeroom teacher says that we will be camping outside so we get to bring things ourselves. We will be in a team for this trip. Each team gotta at least have 3 or more people. I, Tong Yang, and Ye YuanZhao are a team

Tong Yang gets the camping tools.

Ye YuanZhao gets the Heath and safety tools

And I take the food cuz I know how to cook from uncle Gu and the kitchen ladies.


We are going by bus. The woods we are going to is the Greene forest. There are many small lakes and rivers. And bears live there too but the teacher said it doesn't come out much and we basically wouldn't see one at all. Way to jinxed it teaches. Though I wanted to kill a bear so your jinxed is helping me.

I and the other students came down from the bus. Many of the students were excited as they had never come here before.

I think I'm the only one excited for a different reason though.


I brought a bat. The teacher allowed me to bring it cuz it looked like a normal base at but at a darker shade.

On the way, we walked into the woods.

I picked some mushrooms. Non-poisons of course. I wanted to eat them.

Back then the food from stores, restaurants, and shops all went bad or don't have any food anymore. So some hunters(Aka abilities and military man) went into the woods.

Some plants mutated and cannon be eaten and some can be eaten but no one wants to try it after some people died. Animals mutations are stronger than humans as they are the hunters in the wild and we are the prey.

Even a rat is bigger than normal and is stronger than a normal human man. So most people search for plants for food instead of hunting animals. People are desperate for new food.

Potato mutant in a good way. It got bigger and can be eaten. And If you want meat then you need to go hunt a rat for that.

Yes, you guessed, human beings are eating rats for meat. Although they are stronger than a normal male. Abilities users and the military soldiers can catch them, before the fifth year that is.


The camp was set. And the teenagers were putting up campers and getting wood for the


Tong Yang joked around when he was tying the string down.

" haha with my awesome campaign, even a wild animal want to sleep in it!" He exclamation.

"Oh, how about I invite a stinky raccoon in here huh?" Ye YuanZhao said right after.

"Ah! Then Where would you sleep then? On the floor?" Howled Tong Yang.

Ye YuanZhao sneered.

"We are all sleeping on the floor idiot. Where are you finding a bed in the wilds?" He roasted.

"We can sleep on trees," I replied

"Ayia Young master! How will us lowly servants get on the trees!?" Yelp Tong Yang

"Ya! Young master, you got to think of us Ah!"

Echoed Ye YuanZhao.

"En, it's okay. I'll just throw you up."MengYu reply with a deadpanned face.

Both of them laughed until their stomach hurt. With tears in their eyes.

But MengYu was seriously considering throwing them up the trees when the bear come.

As MengYu thought of the bear, the bear appeared. Bet he came because of the smell of food. All the students are screaming like they are dying. Specialty the girls, their screaming almost killed My eardrums.

I know that it's basic human instinct to be scared and scream but do you have to be so loud? At the start of the apocalypse screaming was a foolish idea because zombies can hear you and chase you. 8 years already, but sometimes people still scream when they met an end. The loud screaming disappeared as they will be killed faster if they do. Even if there was screaming, it was like just that one or two-person. Not a group of kids. So when MengYu heard screaming he didn't hear for at least 7 years, he wanted to curse as his eardrums pop.

$@-&%*£##&$@^*%!!!!! MengYu swears in his mind.

MengYu fight the urge to throw them to the trees. He then quickly knock the two screaming friends of his out and throw them to somewhere far away. And take out his bat, then a screen came out

[ Dark mutant tree baseball bat


Attack Damage: 7

Accuracy: 8

Hit Rate: undetermined


Heath: 20/20

Weakness: unfounded

Handling: undetermined

Spirit of the Bat: 100% status 'bored'(¬_¬) ]


'The bat can be bored.??"

[ things have feelings too! ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ Tho... most things here is... will dead? It does not have a spirit.]

"Anyway, I need to take care of the bear."

Students and teachers already run out and only his friends were standing there waiting for him, he already knocked them out so there is no worry for now.

'Xiao Lan tell me if anything or anybody came near here.'

[ oh. Ok host! (((o(*°▽°*)o)))]

MengYu was interested in this bat.

It is said to be the strongest wood and it has its own 'ego'.

*ego is a spirit of an object that has its personality and ability*

MengYu weighed the bat in his hand and started to swing it lightly. A light but strong wind bellow by.

It has a good amount of weight and it is strong.

As MengYu was thinking to himself. The brown bear was eating food from one of the student's lunch boxes. They were a group all together so he's eating quite a lot.

"Stopped eating that." MengYu knows that the bear wouldn't understand him talking but he wanted to at least say something to the bear before killing it.

he rushed over and wing his bat at the bear's head, he was bending down eating the food. There was a strong wind with the bat as MengYu swung. It hit the bear's head.

The bear roars and falls but got up again.'Tsk. I know that my teen self doesn't have much strength but come on! He has been training hours already! At least the bear bleeds so he was hurt.'

The brown bear roar at me. I jumped up and swung the bat Very Hard. He wants to Finnish fast as he can. A loud Thud' sound came out and splatter came right after. Blood was pouring out. MengYu will be covered in blood if he didn't use his water ability to block it.

'It's revolting...' MengYu was used to green blood because zombie insides were either black or green. The mutant animals were black or pink blood. Only humans still have red blood so seeing red blood MengYu was repulsed.

[Ding! Side mission: kill bear is completed! Does the host want a reward now? (^-^)]

'No. What should I do with the bear?'

[host can store it. The storage still has a little space left. You can eat bear meat if you look it thoroughly cooked! (*^0^*)/]

'Eh.' Fine, if it's edible then it's okay...


MengYu: it's troublesome to kill the bear if I didn't have my ability. (⇀‸↼‶)

ML: why? (´• ω •`)

MengYu: because the blood will get on me. ( ̄ヘ ̄)

ML: ...why care? (•ε• )

MengYu: if I can be clean then I will rather be clean. And would anyone like to be covered in blood? ( ̄︿ ̄)

ML: crazy people may want to! (o´▽`o)

MengYu: are you saying I'm a crazy person? (눈_눈 )

ML: no no, you are my smart pretty, and cute wife~

MC: Hmph! (///^///)