They all got over. Xie Tao got back to the window and smashed the bridge as he was told by his dad. The zombies were trying to get over here. When Xie Tao broke the dirt bridge, most of them fallen off and smashed into the floor.
So Xie Tao had the strength ability huh.. Thought Hui MengYu who was glancing at Xie Tao.
The room was not big. The door was made with steel. And was blocked with many things such as table and wood planks. It has a bathroom and a bed and small table and chair. The widow was on the side near the group. Hui MengYu was near the bed. The door was on the other side.
Hui MengYu smile softly. "You know, sounds attract zombies. So you better learn to be quite."
"You-" Xie Tao raise his hand to cover Fu XiXi 's mouth. Fu XiXi glared at him.
Hui MengYu smile smuggling. "You really need to learn that, right now is the apocalypse auntie." If I kill you to shut your mouth. No one will blame me.
Fu XiXi was furious, but she couldn't do anything. Her makeup is blurring with her sweat. She didn't have the pretty face as before. Of eyes could kill, Fu XiXi had killed Hui MengYu hundreds of time.
Xie Tao stopped his girlfriend and try to talk some senses into her. Xie Chen was sweating a lot. He had used up all of his power. He sat on the floor. "Water."
"Here, dad." Xie Tao pulled out water bottle from his backpack. Xie Chen took it and drink it in a hurry. Glupping it down hard.
Only Xie Tao and Su AnJun has a backpack. Hui MengYu didn't care about them anymore. The test has the same resolve as he expected. Fu XiXi is someone who use her beauty for survival and when danger appears she only cares about herself. Wen Hou is short temper and when angry he doesn't use his brain.
Everyone in the group is selfish but in different degree's.
Xie Chen is in the middle. He doesn't show it but he is selfish using his sons girlfriend to test me. He is scheming, but he's old so even if he's sharp. He'll eventually lost his sense.
Xie Tao is in the lower. He only get selfish if he doesn't have a choice. He cares for students because he's a teacher but it'll change by time in the apocalypse. With him being a boyfriend of that girl, he must be easily swayed.
Su AnJun is the kind type. But he's siding with the group because he belongs in that group. He's a bit native. But it's fine.
Wen Hou is short temper, I'm not sure it's normal for him to be like that. Maybe hungrer got into his head. I'll know if he's full. He ate before, so I think that's why he didn't make much noise. But he is of no use.
Han SiSi is selfish but she has a bottom line. She's a good talker and has a neighborhood auntie face. So they send her normal times to talk to other people. I bet she didn't notice that she's being used. If I teach her well, she could be used for business.
Fu XiXi is in the highest in the group. Having makeup on means two things. One the group is strong so they can get it for her, two she beg someone in the group or use her beauty to ask for it for one time or be a girlfriend. I think it's the lader. She only thinks of herself and she doesn't seems starve at all.
At least they pass the first test. they didn't try to get into my room when we were eating. I don't answer how many food I had can make those who only thinks about themselves try to look and take my food. Though, they thought about it. They didn't do it yet so someone had stopped them.