Chapter 51: Getting ready

Hui MengYu "Adam. Get ready to go." Hui MengYu woke the twins up and washed up. He secretly gave them Peach Cobbler Oatmea to eat.

[Host...Di you really need to bring those... People with you? Now you can't eat until your full!!! ]

'It's fine. I can eat later. '


Zhang ChangHao ate three engery bars, Hui MengYu ate chocolate bar as he wanted to. The adults didn't talk.

"So do you know where your comrades are? A'Hao?" Hui MengYu poked Zhang ChangHao and he smile lightly." Not sure."

"Maybe they are in the police station or stores." said Hui MengYu, swaying he said legs and holding Hui ShuFen. Humming a little on where to go.

"Okay! Let's go to the stores first!" I want to store as much as I can. Xiao Lan. Give me the map watch!

[Okay Host! (≧∇≦)b]

'Humm.... Let's choose this way.. It's close to the police station too.'

"Ge! Are we going to stwore?" asked Hui ShuFen who was listening in.

"Yes. So you and Xiao Hui can choose what ever you want~" tapping on Hui ShuFen's little nose. Hui ShuFen giggle and Hui ShuHui smile. Zhang ChangHao stood next to Hui MengYu and smiled too.

It was a warm picture. But Hang SiSi had to cut in. "Then what do we do?" she asked. Like should they go out to find food or go with them?

"Oh... You'll be following me for now." he almost forgot them. "And one of you will be holding Xiao Hui and Xiao Fen."

Su AnJun was not a good runner but his strength is good. So he was holding Hui twins. "And if you dare to hurt them or run away with them...." Hui MengYu picked up the wood plank that was on the floor and lifted his arm and hit down. "Crack" the wood plank broke by Hui MengYu's hand.

Innocent Wooden Plank : Don't miss me ( ༎ຶᴗ༎ຶ)ゞ

Hui MengYu smiled but his eyes we're cold. Looking at them. Hang SiSi and Wen Hou both felt a cold chill going down their spine.

Su AnJun still had a silly smile. Su AnJun thought he was going to babysit. It's easy to babysit kids!

Hui MengYu didn't care what there expression is. He ignore time and went to prepare Zhang ChangHao and the buns.

"The zombies outside is going to be stronger. So stick closer to me okay." spoke Hui MengYu who sat down and dusted his hands.

"Okay!" Hui ShuFen and Hui ShuHui both replied.

"En." Zhang ChangHao as will. He sat next to Hui MengYu and hugged Hui MengYu into his embrace.

"And.....A'Hao, need to talk more!" muttered. Hui MengYu rubbed back of his head on Zhang ChangHao's chest.

"... Why?" we can understand each other just fine? Zhang ChangHao didn't understand why would he need to talk more.

"Cause I want you too!" will... Because I like hearing you talking. Thought Hui MengYu, he didn't voice it out. Hui MengYu cheeks flushed a little.

"Okay then" Zhang ChangHao nodded. Zhang ChangHao was hugging Hui MengYu from the back so he didn't saw his flushed face. If he knew, he'll be disappointed, Hui MengYu don't blush much so it's a rare sight.

"Now, anyone who need to go to the restroom good now. I'm not stopping midway okay!" said Hui MengYu who was looking at the group of adults.