Hui MengYu laugh at their answers. Well, it's good for him at least. When Zhang ChangHao came back, Hui MengYu asked if he wanted to join his team. Of course Zhang ChangHao agreed.
"What is the name?"
"Undecided. Any ideas?" asked Hui MengYu. He sat down on the sofa.
"Hum.. Oh oh what about.. Peace bringers!" said Su AnJun who was acting like a saint again.
"No!" Hui MengYu and Wen Hou shout.
"Death switcher!"
"Nooo!" Ye YuanZhao and Hang SiSi screamed.
"Overachiever?" Asked Han SiSi. She was unsure.
"Someone have that group name." Ye YuanZhao sighed.
"Ugh... Headlines Hurricane!" Spooked Su AnJun. Who had no more ideas
"No." Hui MengYu refused.
"Zombie Dominaters!" Tong Yang said with his arm raise Likd he doesn't care.
Ye YuanZhao laughed "No go. Someone have that already."
"Who the fuck would have that has a group name???" Screamed Tong Yang who was shocked out of his mind.
Tong Yang shouted again"Why is it so hard to have a cool group name Ugh!"
"Hahaha." everyone one laughed. The twins added their ideas too.
Time past the the team decided they name. Tong Yang, Ye YuanZhao, Su AnJun, HanSiSi, Wen Hou, and Hui MengYu group .
Hong ChiHong, Yang Qi, Xiao LuFeng, Jin QingYuan and Zhang ChangHao is a group .
And together they are a team. They all choose to have the team named Animal Warriors. Because both Hui ShuFen and Hui ShuHui wanted to join in.
"Oh oh oh! I want to be the... Monkey King!" said Tong Yang
"Tong Yang! Did You watch to many cartoons!? " laugh Ye YuanZhao was he stood up.
"No! it's a movie! " claimed Tong Yang. He ain't backing down.
"Then is it animated?" question Ye YuanZhao who put his hand on his hip with a righteous expression.
"It is!" reply Tong Yang who is confident.
"Then it is a cartoon!!!" shout Ye YuanZhao.
Tong Yang bawled "It's a totally different things!" and ran away in the fastest speed he had.
"Wha-" Ye YuanZhao screamed at Tong Yang and case after him. "LaoZi is going To Kill You!!!"
"Hehehahaha" Tong Yang cheeky laughter could be hear from the building.
"So Tong Yang codename is the money."
"Who's next?"
"I waent to be the polar bear!" called Hui ShuFen who has his chubby hands up.
"American Black bear" said Hui ShuHui who has his eyes on his plushy toy whale.
"Sure thing my little warriors." Hui MengYu smiled faintly and pinched that soft soft cheeks of Hui ShuFen. Waaa... It feel so soft and creamy....
Hui ShuFen struggle to get out. He whined that his cheeks hurts and Hui ShuHui slapped Hui MengYu's hand that was pulling Hui ShuFen's cheeks.
"Ehem. Anyway. That do you want to be A'Hao?"
"Tiger ." answered Zhang ChangHao.
"Hm..." Hui MengYu smiled and said nothing.
"Oh. Unexpected indeed." said Jin QingYuan
"Uhum! I thought he's was gonna choose lion? " nodded Su AnJun.
"Hahaha" Hui MengYu laughed he knew why he choose the tiger instead of the Lion. There was two reason he guess why. One was that Lions in the wild, doesn't do anything other then eat and watch the land. The female lion. Is the one bringing the food. It was like a mother raising a useless son who only knows to watch the house. The second reason I guess is because I said once that tigers are better then lions. They at least hunt for themselves while the lions sit back to be feed. It was the day where the teacher brought students to Zoo. It was boring watching the Lion do nothing in both kept and wild. I know that the Lion can keep the tertiary save but most time they are useless as junk.
"I'm going to be a panda. As my little twins are a bear. " said Hui MengYu after thinking.
"Okay." people nodded.