Chapter 80 : Market

The crystal nucleus can be used as a supplement to the power of the mutant, and the advanced crystal nucleus of the same attribute can also upgrade the power of the mutants. It can also help ability users update.

But now that low-level 0 crystals nucleus are normal now, they can use it to trade things, like clothes, food, and many daily necessities.

In many bases' some use crystals nucleus to buy or trade, some useful points. There was even one that use casino coins as currency.

Hui MengYu, who, having hoarded many, many items doesn't need to buy or trade anything. Hui MengYu who never went to the trading market in this timeline, despite being in the base more than half a year, he didn't go to the trading market.

But his curiosity was peaked when Hui ShuHui asked, wanting something.

What would he want? Hui ShuHui is very reserved and has a deadpan expression most times, Hui MengYu couldn't guess what he wanted to buy.

Holding Hui ShuHui's little hands. Hui ShuHui led him to the market.

"Ge…I want to buy.. a computer, is that okay?" Asked Hui ShuHui

"It's fine if you want a computer, but I don't think there is anyone who sells it here…" replied Hui MengYu

Hui ShuHui had a shocked expression and whispered "… but uncle Tong told me that you can find anything in the market…"

Hui MengYu patted his head. "That is true before the apocalypse… but if you want it, I can get one for you. But I don't know if the computer outside is useful anymore. There isn't any WiFi."

"Oh." Hui ShuHui's sad face and tears in these cute eyes.

"There there." Hui MengYu hugged Hui ShuHui and patted his back.

[Host! There are computers in system stores you know! (σ´∀`)σ]

'But there isn't any WiFi, so it's useless.'

[hmph! How can a system store have such useless low-grade things like that! ╰(‵□′)╯]

'Okay, okay, I know that. Let me check a bit later... '

Hui MengYu took Hui ShuHui to look around, he saw people selling old food, clothes, accessories, daily needs, some weapons... Etc

There is indeed a lot of things being sold here. There aren't any fans that are being sold here but there are many other things. Hui MengYu walked deeper and saw someone selling books.

Hui MengYu was curious so he brought Hui ShuHui to look at it together.


"Hello, what are you interested in?"

"Looking around, how much is a book?"

"5 points."

Enough to buy some porridge from the base cafeteria ah.

Hui ShuHui looked around, Hui MengYu turned to Hui ShuHui and asked "Find anything you want?"

Hui ShuHui picked up three books.

Hui MengYu looked at the books and nodded "Okay, I'll buy these three, do you have a point ATM?"

"Hm, no." the old man said.

"... Than do you take food?" asked Hui MengYu after a pause.

"You have food!?" the old man's face showed excitement.

"Yes, instant noodles," replied Hui MengYu.

"Two packs!" the old man shouted.

"That's worth 20 points for one pack. Those books aren't much worth in the apocalypse."

The old man grumbled and said fine.