Car and Food

Chapter 2

"Can I suggest we eat first, Nick thinks better on a full stomach?" said Philippa.

"And you two need a shower before we meet anyone," said Hla with a motherly smile.

They pulled into the service area as two police cars went screaming past in the opposite direction. A man jumped from his car and rushed into 7-Eleven, leaving the door unlocked.

"That's handy, what a silly mam," said Hla as she led the others to the still-running car.

The saloon sped off as they left an irate motorist stuffing a pack of Marlboro into his pocket.

"It's still early, but I guess we are going to have a wonderful day," smirked the driver.

Twenty minutes driving along the quiet road, they hit the outskirts of a city boasting the name of Phayao. Bordering the country of Laos and the Thai City of Chiang Rai in the far north of Thailand, Phayao is the city of a province with the same name. Its claim to fame is the spectacular Doi Phu Nang National Park, which, and several Buddhist temples are popular with tourists but which held little interest to the occupants of the newly stolen vehicle. They knew that they would have to change again soon.

They stopped at a small forest stream; they splashed water on their faces to clear months of grime from their teeth and tongues but failed sadly, as the muck would take more than freshwater from the hills and a tube of Colgate to clear. An average teenage girl would be worried about acne, Philippa had more to think about, the authorities for one and having skin like baby elephant feet. Nick was more conscious of the rumble in his stomach.

They continued through the town of Uttaradit and on until they reached Sukhothai, where they stopped at a small but modern shopping centre.

"Watch and learn," said Philippa.

The trio walked to a shopping centre. A half-awake clothes shop salesperson was rolling up the shutters with one hand as the other rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Great, you are open. Can we go in?" asked Philippa.

"Sure, you can be my first sale," winked the young man.

Philippa and her half-brother selected outfits and went into the changing rooms. Two minutes later out they came, looking wonderful. The clothes did anyway, preening themselves in front of the mirrors. Two firsts, new outfits, and the first things that have fitted for years.

"Beautiful, you two look grand. Where do I pay?" asked Hla.

"Here, madam," said the eager sales attendant as he proudly jumped behind the till.

"Oh, no. I've left my purse at home," said Hla, patting her pockets.

The worried sales attendant said, "Where do you live?"

"Not far. We live within walking distance. I'll tell you what, you take my car keys, for security, and I'll pop home for my credit card?"

"I'm not sure if my boss would allow that."

"Okay, come on then, kids, take the clothes off. We'll go somewhere else later," said Hla.

Philippa strolled over to the pay desk, rubbing the new sleeves on her grubby nose.

"Whatever you say," she said.

Nick was flapping his prison clothes at the curtain of the changing area. A dust cloud emerged as a small atomic blast.

"Okay madam, I'll tell you what, be as quick as you can, get your card, and rush back before my boss comes in."

Hla dropped the keys to the old truck on his desk. She left through the front door as the sales attendant was weighing the keys in his hand. He then noticed the Toyota logo. As Philippa and Nick slipped out of the back door. The Nissan saloon pulled off in search of breakfast. The sales attendant would not enjoy his food that day.

"You are keen to know why I released you from that hideous place, I'm sure?" said Hla.

They both nodded.

"We have met before, a while back, in Bangkok, when we were all working on the 'Freaks' film remake. Do you remember the girl with a hole where lips and gums should be? No," she said, shaking her head. "Well, I suppose not. That was me. As you can see, I've had some cosmetic surgery."

She whipped out her false teeth, revealing her hideously deformed gums. "And these? They look real don't they?" Pointing to the ceramic upper and lower sets of gleaming teeth.

Philippa sniggered. Nick just smiled, then quick as a snake he pulled her chin around for a better look. Hla stunned at his speed but soon recovered her composure.

After replacing her dentures, she spoke.

"We have much to accomplish. We can talk about that later. First, let's eat," Hla said as she pulled into a restaurant's parking area.

Hla spoke as Philippa pointed to plate after plate of food. Dish after dish of classic Thai fare arrived and was quickly despatched.

"Now we have settled down and our food is being enjoyed, I'd like to know what you think of my idea?" Hla peered at both Philippa and Nick.

Philippa nonchalantly leaned back in the red plastic chair. Nick was more interested in his remaining plate of untouched food, 'Khao phat krapow'.

More plates of steaming rice were slid to the diners.

Hla waited for the server cum owner of the restaurant to scrape her way back to the kitchen.

"You've missed some schooling since your incarceration. Now is not the time to catch up, just believe me when I tell you that Thailand is a Buddhist country."

Nick looked up from his plate. Philippa spoke. "Do you think we are clueless idiots?"

"No, but I've no idea what you learned before they locked you up?" said Hla.

Nick shook his head. Philippa said, "We were advanced for our age. We are still quick learners. For example, Nick could tell you every item on that woman's scruffy menu. Hla raised her eyebrows in doubt. Nick recited the whole list. Hla's eyebrows lifted further.

"Brilliant. I thought he only speaks to you?"

"He does, he did, he was telling me the answer. You were lucky you heard. Don't think you are special because you got us out." Philippa glared at Hla.

"Sorry. I thought you might be happy you are free?"

"We could get out whenever we wanted," Philippa bragged.

Hla doubted it. "Come on you two, cheer up. We will have some fun."

"What is your great plan, then?" asked the girl.

"Are you religious in any way?"

Both children grunted in laughter.

"That's what I thought," Hla said. "Let's upset the religious leaders that try to make us believe them? And force us all to respect them. They want to control our lives."

Both Philippa and Nick beamed at the idea. "Go on," asked Philippa.

"We all have certain skills that are useful in causing upsets I believe?"

The grins got wider. "Go on."

"We will start with the Muslims. They will naturally blame the Christians, then they will point the finger at the Buddhists. We can sit back laughing," Hla said.

Nick tapped his half sister's leg.

"Nick says who is going to pay for all that, we have got no money. It doesn't look like you have much."

"That is the beauty of my plan. We will make a fortune as we upset the religious path." She laughed.

"Tell us more," asked Philippa.

"I have a rented house. I have a small runabout car parked outside and enough cash to keep us fed. So no worries. But, we will need float money to fund my ideas."

"Never mind all that. What are we going to do?" asked Philippa.

"We are going to steal some religious artefacts and hold them to ransom. Brilliant or not?"

Nick shook his head. Philippa agreed with him.

"Where is the fun in that," they both nodded.

"In the pain and suffering, we give to believers. Stick with me kids, you are going to enjoy your adventure with me."

"Thanks for getting us out, but I think we should part our ways now," said Philippa.

"Oh really, where are you going to live, what are you going to eat?"

"We'll manage."

"With the police after you? Don't forget there are new murders to consider."

"You killed the guards. Not us!"

"And who is going to believe you? The lunatics? The police? The judge? No, you two will go away forever."

Nick pulled Philippa to one side. He whispered, "We've got nothing to lose, let's go with her. At least for now."

Philippa then suggested, "Okay, we'll come with you, but let's see what you are made of. Prove that we'll have fun with your plan."

"How about we have a laugh stealing our next ride home?"

Hla didn't wait for an answer.

"Where are we going, and why are we walking?"

"You want some fun? Just follow my lead. And put that in your pocket," said Hla as she handed Nick a length of wire with small wooden handles at each end. Nick took a glance and stuffed the weapon into his shorts.