Come, Meet Krasue

"I hope you two realise, I am not playing about. I am sick to death hearing men in robes dictating how to live, to ordinary men and women who are stupid enough to believe what their parents or teachers at school told them. And then, to cap it all, they pass on the belief that they are doing the right thing. Well, it is going to stop." Hla stood, arms on hips.

Philippa and Nick stood clapping, slowly and sarcastically. Clap, clap, clap.

"Did you hear what I said?" Hla breathed.

"Yes, you were loud enough," said Philippa with a smirk.


"We don't care."

"You should."

"Why?" answered Philippa. Nick nodded by her side.

"For thousands of years, people have flocked to the sound of supposedly, better informed, men for leadership. It must stop. And we will stop this madness by allowing people to do whatever they want. Eat what they like, drink whatever they fancy. No need for a church on Sunday, no Holydays. Let every day be for enjoyment," Hla said.

"Who will listen to us?" asked Philippa.

"We don't want followers, we don't need people listening to us, that's as bad as the rest. No, we will show them the way to free themselves. They can do what we do. Kill the teachers, and the so-called leaders."

This time the applause was well-meant. Both Philippa and nodded in agreement.

"Where do we start?" asked Philippa.

"I have plenty lined up for us. But first I need to check something. I need you both to come with me. Meet a great lady, who I believe has the answer to my question."

Hla drove them to the north-eastern border with Laos. They parked on a hill and started trudging through dense woods.

"How much further?" asked Philippa.

"Nearly there," panted Hla.

Nick downed the last of his water. Chucking the plastic bottle in the weeds.

"Over there." Hla pointed. "Quiet we don't want to shock or disturb her."

Nick and Philippa looked at each other, puzzled.

"Why are we creeping about, I thought she was your friend?"


A woman sat alone on a tree trunk, bowed and looking between her feet. A twig cracked under Nick's foot. She turned and stared at each person. All three felt their blood freeze.

Hla raised her arms and stepped closer.

"It's me Hla, remember?"

The woman fixed her glare on the older woman. She remained seated, but waved them forward.

A smile cracked her dry skin. "Come join me," she croaked. "I don't have many visitors," she cackled like a woman much older.

"This is my friend, Nipa." Hla said. "She is Krasue. It is safe enough with her during daylight. Better if we go before dark." Hla hoped she was right.

Her friend tipped her head back and laughed for the first time in years.

"Great to see you after all this time. What can I do for you?" asked Nipa.

"Let me introduce, Nick and his sister Philippa. I wanted them to meet you and to understand how you live. After you've told them about yourself, I need to ask a question. I think you'll know the answer."

"The answer may solve or create problems," Hla thought to herself.