He Did What?

He Did What?

"Are you okay in the back?" asked Kev.

"Holly is enjoying her milk, at least. I prefer we keep moving, we'll achieve nothing if we stop every time Holly gets peckish," answered Skylab.

"Now the phones ringing, can you get it? I daren't take my hands off the wheel on this road," said Kev.

"You had better not, don't forget who's in this car! I can try to reach it."

Skylab rearranged her baby, plus straightened her shirt before she leant to the front seat.

"Sorry, Holly didn't mean to disturb your feed."

One hand holding Holly the other stretching for the mobile.

"Oh, hello Khwam, how are you?"

"The Prime Minister has ordered the police in every province to stop the illegal drug trade operated by foreigners. So the pressure is on all of us. I started researching Philippa's family and the dealings they had near the Myanmar border. You won't believe what I discovered."

"You mean how Nick and Philippa's father used his connection, Pu Yai, in Hua Hin to flood the market with cheap and more addictive drugs?"

"Yes, that's where I started, but I got sidetracked. You remember you told me that the hideous man, Pu Yai dumped baby Nick in a bin?" asked Khwam.

"I'll never forget what happened."

"I decided to look at the children angle, not just the drugs. And you won't believe what I discovered."

"Go on," asked Skylab.

"It's too much to tell you on the phone. Where are you? Can I meet you in Chiang Mai? I can fly up and see you tomorrow."

Skylab mouthed Chiang Mai to Kev, who nodded they weren't far away.

"Yes, we'll meet you off the plane."

Kev headed into the northern capital. They checked into The Thai Angels Hotel, a four-star establishment, with a famous English style restaurant.

"I'll need a good meal after all this driving," he said.

"And you expect that in a British eatery?" joked Skylab as they settled Holly for a nap.

All three were sleeping within minutes.

Refreshed, they went for a walk and viewed the goods available at the famous night market then enjoyed a stroll around the old walled historical section of the city. Back to The Thai Angels for dinner, English for Kev, spicy Thai for Skylab and milk for Holly. Followed by an early night.

"There she is," said Kev, pointing. A uniformed Khwam hurried past officials with a cursory salute. Her chatter started before they reached the car and continued to the hotel. Skylab led them through to the dining room where a late-morning snack arrived. Two coffees and one tea. Khwam was still telling what she had discovered. It appeared her mouth and brain were hot-wired to a computer.

"You are telling us, Philip Perrin ex-British agent, the largest drug supplier and father to Nick and Philippa had other more devious schemes?" asked Kev.

"Yes. He was working to create superior humans."

"What the hell for?" asked Kev.

"We know he wanted the perfect child for himself. That is why he spent so much time nurturing his niece, Camilla. Even though she was lesbian, she allowed herself to be impregnated and to mother Philippa. I remember him saying, he was a perfect example of a man, and only a woman from his family could be worthy to mother his child. Hence how he talked Camilla into accepting her little operation, a painless no strings attached motherhood," said Skylab.

"Don't remind me," said Kev, thinking back to the time they and their friends were imprisoned at the drug baron's home. "He promised Camilla all his worldly wealth when he died. Thankfully for us, it wasn't long." He chuckled.

"But what were you saying about Nick?" asked Skylab.

"His mother was a village girl from the far north of Thailand. She had no university degree, she finished school at fourteen, so no educational whizz-kid. But he spotted something in her. We don't know what it was. There is no paperwork on her. Perrin expected great things from her son. There is an entry in a textbook saying so. Something misfired with young Nick, or maybe his mum, so he asked Pu Yai to get rid of his body. As we already know, he failed, thanks to Myrtle and a friendly temple dog," said Khwam.

"You've told us at great length things we already knew. What big discovery did you make? You didn't come all this way to have lunch with us."

"Correct, Skylab. Camilla's wife or girlfriend, whatever she is, now lives in Mr Perrin's old home. It was willed to her by Camilla. She became scared when she started seeing ghosts. Not ghosts of her lover, or even the old owner of the home, but ghosts of the children Perrin experimented on!" said Khwam.

"What?" said Kev.

"She has invited me to meet her, to collect any evidence I wish to remove, as long as she will not be charged for anything I deem her to be involved in. The evidence proves children's DNA was tampered with."

Kev and Skylab sat stunned. They thought Perrin was as evil as any man could be. But now, they were speechless.

"He was creating monsters," Khwam said. "Do you want to come with me?"