In an alternative universe slightly different from ours existed a powerful type of energy called Teket, Teket was first discovered 7 million years ago by a nameless caveman who almost drowned to death but was saved by his Teket ability Ludoyoku which allows him to have a 6 million year glimpse into the future and immortality, but over the years his futuristic ability got weaker and weaker to the point of him being only able to look 4 months into the future, anyways Teket is a combination of willpower and your personality turned into energy, but only those who can combine their personality with their willpower can actually gain a unique ability that makes them stick out but at the same time irreplaceable as in the ability itself can't be obtained by anyone else as long as the person with the ability is alive that is. People who haven't yet learned how to put their personality into their willpower only have the pure version of Teket which is just the embodiment of willpower that can look like fire, electricity, or absolutely nothing at all, everybody has Teket in their body but some people lack the ability to bring it out.
Teket is most commonly used for battle or self-defense and unlike our universe in their universe to be a part of anything authority based you must have a strong understanding and mastery of Teket making, anybody a part of the military very strong Teket users, but when there's Is good there is always bad and there are lots of bad Teket users who abuse their powers and try to create chaos everywhere they go, that's why it's humanities choice to either become corrupted or to become pure is should be Humanity's Decision.