Chapter 51

Khaknur cried without tears in his eyes. He don't know when these two would finish whatever they were doing and he don't have much choice but to stay outside while using a concealing magic

Who knows how he would die if he barges in? Khaknur can already imagine what his fate would become if he does that and he won't dare intrude

Without a choice, Khaknur continues to stay outside for hours. He already stops checking on whether the two are finally finished or not. He just focused on being as concealed as possible

To his misfortune, it was already late in the evening when the room's door was opened and the person that walks out was Rhash that have a refreshed look on his face

Khaknur was happy to see him and the spider showed himself immediately

"Master!" Khaknur called out and Rhash raised his head to see the spider above