Chapter 112

With the death of number 2, all the zombies soon turned motionless without his influence

Rhash now has much fewer enemies and only the clones of number 1 remained. As their numbers aren't as high as before anymore, Rhash managed to destroy all those clones only after a few minutes

Now, only Rhash and Reif remained in the area with the former releasing a long sigh of breath

Although he didn't sustain any injury from the battles, it still used up quite a chunk of his mana

Fortunately, this outcome was still much better than he originally anticipated. Rhash thought that it would be harder to defeat his enemies. He didn't expect that his power raises this much

As soon as the battle was concluded, Rhash instantly felt a pair of muscular arms wrapped in his waist. He doesn't even need to look behind him to know who that was

"Big brother" Reif called out while putting his chin into the other man's shoulder. He even sniffed on Rhash's heavenly scent