Chapter 126

The Poison Lady soon succumb to Reif's power and fainted. Reif was 'merciful' enough not to kill her but she received terrible injuries that would surely take a lot of time to heal

She might even be unconscious for a long time. Reif deliberately put her in that kind of condition because of her impudent actions

She tried to seduce Reif which was disgusting. There is no one in this world or any other world that would enter Reif's eyes except for his big brother. Trying to seduce him would just earn his disgust and anger

With the Poison Lady fainting, the match naturally couldn't continue as there is already a clear winner

The barrier protecting the audience was turned off along with the announcement of the winner

"The winner of this match is none other than Mr. Nameless!" The announcer announced and most people clapped their hands

Those are the ones that either bet for Reif, cheered for him, or the ones that were glad to see such a match