Instantly, Klein's facial expressions become something that is hard to read. This filled Calix with even more fear

He feels like this type of reaction falls under the bracket of not good. His already sweating body sweats even more than before as he stared at Klein with a begging and desperate look

"K-Klein... I-I'm really sorry. I-I didn't want to h-hide it, I'm just s-scared"

Calix almost cried on the spot. The past days with Klein were the happiest days of his life. He never want to lose this person, ever

The more seconds that passed that Klein don't say or do anything, the scarier Calix becomes until

"Pfft!" Klein suddenly laugh out of nowhere, catching Calix offguard and he blink his eyes repeatedly 

He expected multiple reactions he could receive but Klein laughing is not one of them

Klein laugh genuinely. The way that Calix looks so scared as if someone would eat him alive was really hilarious