A little about me

So yeah some profile about me. (not really me... come on)

I was a 16-year-old student living in a fully residential school or boarding school. The dormitory consist of 16 blocks with 2 levels that become accommodation for students there. There were 4 different colors or I would call 'sports color' that would really resemble us in an annual sports event. There was blue, green, yellow and green house. I was a red house resident. We were located in a downtown area near our country's capital city. My school was one of the top-ranking schools in my country since my school rank 2nd in overall school performance. My school prioritizes education and sports since we have a grading system based on them. Almost every time I was overwhelmed with tonnes of homework *chuckles*. The learning method was great since the teachers are not fierce and education systems are good but it has one flaw which said homework is mandatory every day... I'm pretty much one of the smart students since I keep getting top 5 spots in exams in a school that occupies 300 students in one grade. I had a best friend that likes to bring me to travel around the school and treat me at the school canteen. We were together since I was 7 years old. Our friendship was tough from all the fights we had. There's even one time when I didn't talk to him for 1 month because I inadvertently knocked him while riding my bicycle. I also had a lover that I fell in love with when I was 14. She's an adorable girl that loves sport and games. Her kindness always delights me and she would tease me all the time. We never fought since we understand each other so much. Oh, she's also one of the toppers. For some reason, she keeps sulking at me for beating her in exams. My other friends are also great and I appreciate my time living with them. I was living a really good life until 'that' came...