Chapter 5:- The Spirit unleashed

Hiro and Hiroshi packed all the stuff in 2 big hiking bags including the emblem, and took the train to outskirts of Japan.

" Man this looks like an entirely different place " Hiro said

" Indeed, it's like we time travelled back a few 100 years ago" Hiroshi said as they both gazed the view out of the train window.

" Last stop:- Okinawa" said the announcer as Hiro and Hiroshi stepped out of the train.

" We have reached here but where exactly is Grandpa"? Hiro asked

" Idk let's ask someone nearby " said Hiroshi

A farmer was ploughing his rice fields with his face covered with a large bamboo straw hat and only his back was visible.

" Looking for someone"? asked the farmer

" Yeah , we were looking for ...." said Hiroshi as he was interrupted by the farmer.

"Gorosuke Nobunaga " completed the Farmer

" Wow how do you know him"? enquired Hiro

" Well I am cursed with the power of knowledge " bragged the Farmer

" Ok" said Hiro as his face turned blank

" Go on the top of the mountain and you will see a martial art school just go there" said the Farmer

" Ok thanks a lot sir " said Hiro and Hiroshi

Hiro and Hiroshi started to climb the mountain and soon disappeared in the thick bushes around the road

" Hahaha the game has begun , it's time for the hunt " Farmer said

After 1 hour of trekking they reached near a river bank and rested for water and food.

" This is taking so long, my leg hurt already " said Hiro in a grumpy voice,

" There There boyo let's get rested I think we are have way already" comforted Hiroshi

" Damn it " Hiro said

Soon during their rest the weather changed drastically , the sun disappeared in thick black clouds , the wind started to howl and the trees were bent by the wind , the fishes swam against the stream, and the birds left the trees

" Bro, I think something is wrong here" said Hiro

" Let's make it quick or we might be forced to spend a night here " said Hiroshi

A fingernail went in a hefty speed barely missing Hiroshi ear

" Ahhh you boys made it this far " laughed the farmer

" Hey what the hell you think you are doing man"! shouted Hiro,

" Ah we have a rebellious one , I like it those type are my favorite especially in Lunch " said the farmer as he removed his straw hat

" What did you just said , that sounded so wrong and dirty you pervert" Hiroshi shouted with a blank faceđŸ˜¶.

" You really think I am a Farmer " said the Farmer

" Yeah " said Hiro,

" Ha fools it's just the time , this is not my real form you morons" said the farmer as he started to morph

His eyes became entirely black with no eyeball in it, his grin started to became larger and larger at a point that his cheeks started to tear off , his body buffed and his scar started ooze out blood and puss. His voice became polyphonic with teeth getting sharp and his eyes were everywhere except where they should be .

" ewwwww I think I am gonna through up " said Hiro

" What the fuck are doing stop it " shouted Hiroshi

" Hahaha hahaha you liked it huh haha this is just a depiction of my true power's" laughed the farmer

This time his laugh was very similar to a hyena

" What you want from us"? asked Hiro

" The emblem and the vessel" said the farmer

" Just who the hell are you" asked Hiro

" Indeed , My name is Hyan and I am one the strongest demon and member of the Yokumitsu " said Hyan while laughing

" Who the hell is Yokumitsu"? said Hiroshi

" Oh dear lemme explain... haha"! exclaimed Hyan

" Stop playing around with them master said that we need them dead or alive " said Camille

" You .... what are you doing here , you killed our mom .... I will kill you , you ugly bitch ...." shouted Hiro.

Hiro , without knowing their strength risen by anger runs and try to attack Camille

" No oo..... Hiro ...." !!! Hiroshi cried as Hiro jumped on them .

Camille caught him with a big right hand slashing his skin instantaneously and throwing him into the river

" That's what you get for calling me ugly" smirked Camille,

" So you admit that you are a bitch...hahahaha....haha" said Hyan

" You filthy maggot , I will kill you " said Camille as she attacked Hyan

Hiroshi a quick thinker managed to get the emblem from the bag and ran toward Hiro

" Hiro are you ok omg you are bleeding" cried Hiroshi

Hiroshi unfazed stood up and stared right up to Camille and Hyaen .

" Hey look the brat as something to say " said Camille as Hyaen started laughing.

" Nobody hurts my brother except me you ugly looking monstrosity, and now I am mad " said Hiroshi

Hiroshi thought to gave a fight to them using his rugby and martial art training in highschool.

He ran toward Camille as she whipped his nails at him

Hiroshi stepped on the nails and took a high jump

" What the hell"! said Camille

Hiroshi used all his power in his kick and landed a shot right at her jaw

" Owwww my teeth , oh you are so done

Hyan get that brat"!!! shouted Camille

As Hyan ran toward Hiroshi he slides under Hyan legs and Hyan unable to control his moment collides with Camille

" let's go oooooo..... touchdown baby " Hiroshi shouted

Camille caught his leg using her Tongue and slammed him into a near by mountain stairs

" Ahhh I said.... that too early " said Hiroshi

" Now you will pay for my teeth you piece of shit " said Camille

Her grip started to lose as Hiroshi tickled her tongue

He lands on his feets and spear tackle Camille .

Hyan throws multiple rock at him all of which he dodges

The rock hits Camille and she gets mad at Hyan, and attacks him instead .

" Ow what was that for"? asked Hyaen

" Oh you know what that was for " said Camille

They both started to have a heated argument buying some time for Hiroshi to attach Camille razor sharp tooth to a wood log making an axe like weapon.

" Hey " whistled Hiroshi as started pelting rocks at them

" You really think that will do any damage to me hahaha" laughed Camille

Camille whipped her tongue at Hiroshi but this time Hiroshi caught the tongue and chopped it off

"Aaaaaahhhhh" shouted Camille in pain as her tongue started to regrow

" Hyan " she shouted as Hyan captured Hiroshi from behind

" I like rebellious one hahah" laughed Hyan

" No stop it " said Hiroshi

Camille slashed him 7 times knocking Hiroshi unconscious.

" Finally it would have been a lot easier if you didn't wasted our time" said Camille

" Ok ugly " said Hyan

As Hiroshi was unconscious he saw Camille and Hyan marching towards Hiro

"No....." he said in a very numb voice

"Don't give up , Never give up , be the protector Hiroshi" voice echoed in his head

" You have to save Hiro for me " voice echoed again

" Camille , look the emblem well that was easy " said Hyan

As soon as Hyan took emblem a spark emitted behind him and as he turned around the emblem was gone

" What the fuck "? said Hyan

" Leave..... him..... alone..."!!!! shouted Hiroshi

" What it's impossible " said Camille

" Camille ...his eyes " shouted Hyan

" No no it can't be possible no " said Camille.

Hiroshi stood there staring in their eyes as his aura started to electrify and eyes stared to turn blue.