Chapter 9 :- Secrets of the school

Mimiko tried to tell Hiroshi that she need to talk about something but she isn't able to tell him as she has a crush on him.

" Why are you shaking" asked Hiroshi

" Hiroshi ..... I want to tell you something" said Mimiko in a low voice

" What are you saying"? asked Hiroshi

" I want to tell you something"!!! shouted Mimiko

" Ok calm down god , what is it"? asked Hiroshi

" About myself" said Mimiko

" Whhaat"? asked Hiroshi as he started to blush

" Just promise me you won't tell anyone" said Mimiko

" Okay I guess" said Hiroshi

" I read your scroll and man the things are getting messed up" said Mimiko

" Wait wait wait , you read our family scroll without my permission"!! shouted Hiroshi as he grasped the part between eyebrows and grumbled.

" I mean you were knocked out and I thought you were one of the cult members" said Mimiko as she wilted and made a face like


" Wait who is this cult members thing " asked Hiroshi

"Oh you don't know about them let me explain"! said Mimiko

Mimiko also have a geek nature she likes to learn read and write about history and historic events and current affairs and she is always eager to explain and tell other what she discovered despite other's intrest in the topic. Everyone in the school doesn't like to indulge in topics with her as she won't stop ranting about it. However Hiroshi also shares a similar trait to her and was named the "Wikipedia of Class" as he had knowledge on every topic.

"Once upon a time there was a great battle that took place in Japan between to clans over the supermacy of who's strongest claimed by capturing each other's castle and the village around them. However, this was a great problem for the people of Okinawa and North japan as they were the border thus most vulnerable to destruction and raids" said Mimiko

" Oh i know the great clan war between Edo and Nada clan which was claimed as the most brutal warn in the history of mankind and was also claimed as to be the most mysterious one as it ended mysteriously with only survivors being the villagers" added Hiroshi as his eyes started to shine 🤩

" Yes yes , now what happened was mysterious but it's said that there was a young man around the age of 24 25 that was the first person to divide the nations as he was guided by some mysterious figure.

Many believed that he was saved by a mysterious sage that possessed supernatural power and prowess that influenced anyone around him easily" said Mimiko

" Yeah and then it's said that man was renamed as Koga and was able to control war and spread peace and love around japan after division and closed the country from foreign invasion until its own country prospered" added Hiroshi

" Ah I see you are a man of culture as well" said Mimiko as they stared at each other and shaked hand 🤩🤩

" Now the weird part , it's said that he was the among first to spread martial arts around japan and admired Bodhirama the Indian sage also the master and creator of Martial arts. However all priest were against the rule of proper peace as they believed that total goodness will cause imbalance in the Ying Yang of nature that will disrupt the nature's functional properties, but they were ignored" said Mimiko

" hmmmm, and then the fear did turned itno reality and the imbalance of Ying Yang caused it to split and it's said that the portals were opened to all 3 worlds" said Hiroshi

" The heavens the dead and the figure being heavens earth and hell respectively" said both Mimiko and Hiroshi together.

" Wait a just know what to do , wait right here" said Mimiko as she rushed to hallway.

" Man she is so good at this maybe I will take her out soon 🙂" smiled Hiroshi.

Hiroshi suddenly gets goosebumps,

" hmmm something's weird" he added.

" Patience is the key , now we will know the secret of the vessel " said a figure in the shadows to himself

" Now for plan B " he said

" Who's there " shouted Hiroshi .

Since Hiroshi unlocked his animal spirit unconsciously he can now sense others aura as well.

He ran outside to check in the backyard but was unable to find anything.

" Something is off about this place I must warn grandpa and other's" Hiroshi said as he went inside and closed the door.

" phew that was close " the figure said

"Now I need to go inside " added the figure.