Chapter 13:- The Prophecy begins

" This is not real Camille" said Dai

" What"!!! shouted Camille

" You know what happens when someone pisses me off" said Dai

" Real one has a symbol of Chinese zodiac on the bright side" added Dai

" But Goki gave it to me " shouted Camille

" Wow now give me all the credit" said Goki

Dai looked at both of them and just snapped once. Chains rushed from below and caught Camille lifting her in the air.

" Master have mercy " said Goki

" Are you ordering me" said Dai

" No " said Goki

( man this sucks , I just hope I survive) said Goki in his mind

" Man this sucks, I just hope I survive" said Dai

" You can read minds too" said Goki

" I made you demon and you think I can't control you" shouted Dai

As he shouted Goki mouth started to tear apart and his insides were pulled out .

" Please....., give me a ch.. ance.. " shouted Goki in excruciating pain.

" Make me" said Dai as he lifted his fingers

Pointed heated Rods from the top of the ceiling fell on Goki piercing his body but being demon he wasn't able to either die properly or escape due to being trapped. He was regenerating and tortured simultaneously.

" Master , I have an idea " said The Figure from the upper balcony.

" What is it " said Dai

" The crystal is the way" he added

" Oh yeah" said Dai as he released both Goki and Camille.

" Bring Shin and the emblem" said Dai as he started to laugh hysterically.

" Yes...yes master " said Camille as she started to sweat.

Shin was brought in her emblem form and was still asleep however Dai started to have the same effect as he had the first time he tried to hold the emblem and Shin.

" Camille do the ceremony" said Dai

" Yes master" said Camille.

Every Soimitsu and Yokumitsu exited their balcony attached room and entered a big room . The room had big Stalactite and a Stalagmite with a gap between them of same size of the emblem. The Stalagmite had blood and bones around it whereas the Stalactite oozed blood and poison from it.

" Camille do it " Dai said in a deep voice

" Yes yes master" said Camille.

Camille took the emblem and brought it near the gap between the Stalagmite and Stalactite . As soon as she brought it near it the emblem started to float and got attached in between. As soon the blood dropped from Stalactite into the emblem Shin woke up.

" Ahhaahahhh" shouted Shin as she started to cry in pain

" Dai no please stop it " said Shin

" Now I will be the prophecy" shouted Dai as he started to laugh the traditional Villian laugh

" Curse you ..... " said Shin as she started to emit the heavenly aura in order for the last resort.

" Now do it my children" said Dai,

" Yes Master" said everyone at the same time

Goki Camille and the Yokumitsu and Soimitsu emitted their energy into the emblem which suppressed the heavenly aura. Everyone was about to get defeated by the aura , but as they thought everything was lost Dai rushed and stabbed the emblem from behind .

" Ahhhhhhh"!!! shouted Shin as she started to faint.

" That was close" said Goki

" Shut up " said the black figure from Soimitsu

As Shin fainted , the blood dropped into her emblem and she woke up again but this time her eyes turned completely black. Now a black aura spread across the Hell and mortal realm ( Earth).

The room was now filled with purple crystals and were emitting purple radiation.

" Goki come here" said Dai

" Yes master " said Goki

He touched Goki head and rubbed it like a father and said:-

" Gokina sumo , a Ronin , a slave trained and adopted by a samurai , grown and cared among the swords and pride of being a samurai. Your Father , bodyguard of the Edo clan king Kuriakose edo , died saving you and the heir of the edo clan during the great clan war. You never got motherly love and the loss of your father changed you. The fact that you were betrayed by the clan that your father died to save caused a fire in your heart, a fire of hate"

" M..aster"?? said Goki as he looked into Dai eyes and saw her mother .

" Ma .." said Goki as his eyes started to shed tears.

" Go, I can't save you I am sorry , I am sorry son I am a bad mother, I am a bad mother, sorry but be strong" voice echoed in Goki head.

Goki had a flashback that a lady whose face was burnt was trying to stay afloat while holding a baby in her hands. As she left the baby to float away, in last ditch effort, she was shot by an arrow and dies due to her injuries.

He then a had a blur flashback of a samurai cleaning his sword in the river , running towards the basket and saving the baby and saw the letter which read , :- " pls save him pls " and pledged to raise him as he recently lost his wife and son .

Goki started to cry and hug Dai more , like a child hold his mother. Goki cried and cried and cried .

" My poor poor child you must avenge her " said Goki

""? asked Goki as he hold his tears

Dai stabbed Goki with the crystal he used to stab Shin. As soon Goki was stabbed the crystal dissolved inside him and attached itself to its soul core . And Goki consciousness was lost as his body bulked up and his strength multiply

" Hmm He is a weak one" said Dai as he left him in that room where Goki flinched and moved and twisted and had cramps while his blood flow increased. Everyone left the room while Goki was still in pain.

" Camille" said Dai

" Yes master" said Camille

" Send him to the school again after a week " said Dai

" Yes master" said Camille

He and the mitsus left the room and sat at the room where they were originally were.

" Master may i ask you something" said Camille

" Yes" asked Dai

" What happened a few moments ago" said Camille

" You see , as per the prophecy , when the battles of the realm takes place, Shin the good side of the nature would provide strength to and luck to the earth and heaven realm , due to which I have lost 2 times already. But I thought that the prophecy doesn't states the location of Shin. For the last two times she was protected by the sage, but this time I thought what if we caught it before the prophecy begins" said Dai

" Oh so what does that mean " said Camille

" I went to the deepest realm of the hell , and defeated the souls of the black magicians and learnt the ritual to convert good spirits into evil. The power of Shin that was supposed to help the earth realm would now be under my control and I used her power to turn the crystal into demon crystal converting and multiplying the power of a demon at the cost of his consciousness if he is not strong" said Dai

" Ok master" said Camille

" Now for the ace" said Dai

" What's that "? asked Camille

" Just wait" said Dai as he laughed and laughed saying " victory is mine , victory is mine".