Chapter 25 :- Dream tell stories

Hiro was unconscious , lying on bed with her head sitting on Kanako lap , while he was wiping his face with cold water to prevent the any chances of fever.

" Is he gonna be alright " asked Kanako

" Yes , maybe , I mean he is still unconscious" said Mimiko

" C'mon bro , hang in there " said Hiroshi

In his dream , as the earth started to crumble, he raised his hand and grabbed something. He opened his eyes and said " Shara-sama".

Hiro in sleep grabbed Kanako chest.

There was dead silence. Hiroshi and Mimiko face turned blue 😱 in awe. Kanako started to blush and he face wasn't visible, as it hid under her hairs.

" What's this soft thing" said Hiro.

Kanako face turned red , and she shouted " Hiro you fucking pervert". She slapped Hiro , planting his face on the mattress.

" Hpmh , you stupid bitch" said Kanako as she left the room in anger".

" Bro you , are you alright" asked Mimiko

" Why the hell she slapped me " said Hiro as Kanako palm was printed on Hiro's face.

" Hmmm it seems like either you were grabbing something in dream , or it was intended" said Hiroshi.

" However , you were unconscious , it means you didn't intended it " added Hiroshi

" Ahhh my head is paining " said Hiro

" What you did was absolutely incredible " said Mimiko as she smiled at Hiro.

" What , wait " Hiro took a pause. " I died " he said. Hiro quickly took his shirt off and saw that his wound in the chest was healed and not even a scar was visible.

" What happened , what , where is Enzo "? asked Hiro.

" You are saying, you saved all our assess and you don't remember a shit " said Hiroshi.

" Yeah , I guess " said Hiroshi

" If that the case , it means that only Goro sensei can help you " said Mimiko.

" You were unconscious for like 6 hours " said Hiroshi

" Yeah , I don't know , but I do know that I had one of the weirdest dream of my life " said Hiro.

" What was it " asked Mimiko.

" Don't ask , he just watch too much anime and read heck lot of manga , all of his dreams are about them only " said Hiroshi

" No , no , I like knowing about everyone dreams " said Mimiko.

" I don't remember , like half of it is gone" said Hiro. " Only thing that I remember is a guy named Sharabha sama and destruction" he added.

" What you said " asked Mimiko

" Only thing that I remember is a guy " Hiro said

" No no after that " asked Hiroshi

" destruction " said Hiro

" Before that " shouted Mimiko and Hiroshi together.

" Sharabha sama " said Hiro

Mimiko was in utter disbelief, she couldn't believe what she heard. She quickly ran to the library and brought a huge book. It was covered in dust and had no name on it . It brown and stale was wasn't engaging what sk ever. She blew all the dust away and sneezed right after that.

She opened the book and quickly swifted through pages , till she stopped at the chapter

" The origin of the prophecy".

" Woah what is this " asked Hiroshi

" Well well it is a book about god's, there Avatar and how they contributed different things in different ways to create the universe and it's functionality" said Mimiko

" What it has to do , with Hiro " asked Hiroshi.

" You see , Sharabha sama , is one of the 19 Avatar of Daikokuten or Shiva. It's said that he took this form to calm down the Avatar of Naraen-ten or Vishnu sama " Narashima" literally meaning the man lion. However it is said that God's called Daikokuten with many names , including his name of Avatar to worship him" said Mimiko.

" Oh so it means that what Hiro saw, in his dreams was Daikokuten sama in his sage form or something " said Hiroshi.

" Yes , you are right , however" said Mimiko

" However"? asked Hiro and Hiroshi together

" I don't know anything more about it " said Mimiko as she blushed 😳.

Hiro and Hiroshi laid down and sighed. A loud grumbling echoed inside the room.

" Hiroshi , it maybe Enzo " said Hiro as he started to stand up.

" No , it's me " said Mimiko as she blushed again.

Hiroshi stomach also grumbled loudly.

" Huh , what it seems you all are weak , I mean you all are effected by hunger so much " said Hiro

" Look at me , I almost died and didn't even felt a thing" Hiro added. However he fell immediately after completing his sentence.

" I am ..... hu...ngry..." said Hiro in a very pale voice as his stomach started to grumble as well.

" Well , then let's go and eat " said Mimiko.

Hiro , Hiroshi and Mimiko ran to the dining room. They requested Ryo and Jetchi to serve them. Ryo and Jetchi agreed and gave them bowls and plates.

Mimiko and Hiro ate like animals. Bones were flying from their plates, rice was splashing every where. They weren't using chopsticks rather eating with both the hands. Hiroshi , Ryo and Jetchi looked at them and their mouth were opened wide. They finished 20 bowls of rice , 10 bowls of soup and 1kg chicken, respectively.

" Woah , hang in there Goku and Vegeta , food ain't running anywhere" said Hiroshi.

Hiro and Mimiko looked at Hiroshi with a stare similar to of Enzo. Hiroshi got chills down his bones as he ate his food silently.

It was a mess that they created, but after finishing while chugging down some green tea they looked at Hiroshi and said:-

" If you didn't had food for whole day , you are ought to eat like Saiyan" said Hiro

" Yeah , I mean I can't be hungry for more than 5 hours" said Mimiko.

" Ok , guys chill " said Hiroshi.

" Sorry to distrub your gourmet dining service but you must get well rested , Goro sensei have an announcement to make " said Ryo.

" Ok then let's go " said Mimiko.

They all went to the sleeping rooms but due to lack of space, Mimiko Kanako Hiro and Hiroshi were forced to use the same room for sleeping.

Hiroshi and Mimiko went to sleep within seconds. Hiro who felt a little uneasy tilted to his left . When he tilted , Kanako was facing her. Ashamed Hiro , quickly changed his side.

" What the hell was that " said Kanako

" I am sorry , I didn't meant to do that " said Kanako

" It's ok , its not like you meant to , you weren't conscious" said Kanako

" So we cool"? asked Hiro

" For now " added Kanako

Kanako tilted and said " Go to sleep Hiro kun we need to meet Goro sensei early in the morning".

" Ok " said Hiro

Hiro realised that Kanako didn't refered Hiro as drag but kun. A huge warmth ran across Hiro body. He blushed and slept with peace in his mind for the first time in 7 days.

" Hmmm , all of them went to sleep , " said the figure lying on the top of the school roof.

" They will need it " said the figure as he jumped from tree to tree until he disappeared in thick forest.