Chapter 34 :-Welcome to the Demon mountain

Everyone woke up after Kazuki scream. They ran into Hiroshi compartment as they opened the door and shouted :- " Hey what happened"

" Are you ok , is there any demon around us" asked Hiro.

Kazuki and Hiroshi were cleaning their tongue and were trying to puke.

" What the hell.. " said Hiroshi as he spit

" Wait a min " said Kanako as she started to join the puzzle.

" Oh my god , did you just kissed " said Kanako.

Hiroshi and Kazuki blushed and shouted :- " It was an accident "

" There are no accident " said Hiro

Everyone started to laugh while Hiroshi and Kazuki blushed.

" Whatever just get ready I think we are about to reach " said Ryo.

Everyone went in their room and started to freshen up. Kazuki and Hiroshi agreed to forget it and Hiroshi tied a rope around Kazuki.

" Hey , am I a dog , you bastard" said Kazuki.

" No , you will wander off , that's just for safety " said Hiroshi as he tighten the rope.

" Thank you for traveling with us , we are about to reach Sokara , we hope your experience was delightful and thank you for choosing us" said the Assistant on the speaker.

" Where did , how , who said that " asked Kazuki

" From the speaker , through the mic , the assistant " answered Hiroshi.

" This is unbelievable , she is trapped inside that box " said Kazuki.

" No she isn't " said Hiroshi

The Train stopped and announcement was made :- "Thank you for choosing us and have a gread journey , bye".

Everyone got off the train and crossed check their suitcase and bags. The train station was abandoned , looked like left unattended for many years. The pillars were rusted , the floor was rancid and the benches were all creaky. Hiroshi and others got out of the station and looked for any sign of life but failed. Kazuki looked up and said :- " Woah "

" Woah? , what is it " asked Mimiko

" There's the mountain " said Jetchi.

The mountain was a few kilometres away from them and it was huge. The top was snowy and the foot of the mountain was full of moss and skulls of animals and humans. The root were seeping blood and there was a path that led to the top of mountain.

" What can we do for you 7 kids " said an old couple from behind. They scared the group as they were gazing the mountain.

" Dead ghost " shouted Kazuki and Hiro together as they hugged each other in fear.

" Dead ghost ? , no no no we are just an old couple and we used to have a hotel here " said The old man

" Used to , Hiro...Hiroshi ....shi... they are dead " said Hiro as he was shivering.

Kanako grabbed Kazuki and Hiro by their ear and said :- " Enough of your crap already ".

" We got a letter from Gorosuke Nohara , that his 7 students would be reaching here to stay for few days " said The old woman.

" Not few days , depends on how easily the work is done , but , wow used to , what happened here " asked Hiroshi

" Since the mountain has remerged after disappearing miraculously , all the demons were killing and attacking the people of the village for they all left the village , we can't we are too old and this our only thing left " said The old man

" The effects of mountain is anomalous , the damage here is been done in a week but it looks like that it has abandoned for years"said the old woman.

" Do you have any name " asked Mimiko

" We forgot , we only call each other by dear , even if we use to have , the mountain causes the aging process to increase but also cause effects like " said the old man as he paused.

" Like"? everyone said together.

" I forgot " said the old man

" Enough talking , come to our house and rest a bit , you all must be hungry , change some clothes , have a bath and eat something " said the old woman.

Everyone agreed to the decision and went after the old couple to their hotel.

" Maybe , it's my turn " said a figure sitting on the top of the tree.

" Well travelling through train is uncomfortable , if you are on top of it . I must do it and fulfill my duty " said the figure as it rushed to the top of the mountain.