Chapter 43 :- A New alliance??

" Huh "? asked Ryo

" My real name is Flit and I was once a Ronin samurai of the Edo clan. I was chosen by the angels of the heavens to protect the Ishigami village of the south from any attacks of the demon. On one unfortunate day , my village was attacked while I was gone hunting. My students were killed and my family was burnt down alongside my village in the huge fire that lasted days. I scouted the whole area and found one survivor. He told me that the one who attacked came for the Poison of the ivy. He told me that the monster was Camille. Driven by rage I took my sword and pledged to find her. Roaming the world , villages to villages , hills to hills , I finally found her. We battled for days , my spirit of the Jaguar protected me and we gave a tough fight to that loathsome Camille. She stabbed me with the poison of the ivy and its caused my animal spirit to get trapped in my sword. She licked my wounds , casting a spell. My dear animal spirit with my sword fell down a crease. Due to the spell , I was turned into a minion. Since that unfaithful day , I am trapped in her Belly. However , I can't live outside her Belly for more than 2 days" said Flit.

" Give me one reason that I believe you " said Hiroshi

" I will tell you who did this and what is yet to come " said Flit

" Really minion , how " said Mimiko

" Ok first , my name is Flit and second we are not minions we are called by the name Rin-shins" said Flit

" Ok whatever , but who did this and why " asked Gorosuke

" Goki is behind all this " said Flit

" That cockroach creep " said Mimiko as a shiver ran down her spine.

" Yes , and he is 10 times more powerful than earlier " said Flit

" How and why he did this " asked Hiroshi

" He poisoned the water source from the underground and used it to distract Gorosuke from the village...because by doing this Gorosuke would be in a dilemma making him dropping his guard and attacking the people of the village" said Flit

" Ok so why are you helping us , and if you were hear from the start why now " asked Mimiko

" I am tired of Camille tortures, being trapped in a gooey stomach for 400 years and not dying , eating whatever she consumes , and drinking water she drinks... I used to live on a fruit and vegetables diet and that bitch made me drink blood and eat flesh of my own kind just because I slashed her horn...." said Flit as he started to tear up

" Why now ?? " asked Hiroshi in a loud voice..

" I wasn't here , I was inside Camille stomach... I overheard what she told to Goki and when she let me out she told me to scout the area for her. Bounded , I tend to do so and when I reached here , I heard you all coming.. Felt that You all can kill me instantly.. I hid in fear and then waited for the moment to talk to you all" said Flit

" So , now what "?? asked Ryo

" Camille and Goki will attack the village tomorrow night and will continue the onslaught until you die or surrender" said Flit

" How much time we have " asked Hiroshi

" Around 18 hours" said Ryo

" Ryo , stay with the monks and Grandpa and initiate the Cremation process, Mimiko and Flit follow me" said Hiroshi as he started to walk towards the village.

" Ok " said Ryo.

Ryo , the monks and Gorosuke went to the cremation ground where the bodies of the deceased were covered by white clothes and the woods were arranged for the burning procedure. Kanako was covering the body with flowers and petals and handing it over to the loved ones of the deceased.

" Kanako , how many casualties are there " asked Gorosuke

" 45 people are killed and 39 are injured whereas other 6 have sustained minor injuries" said Kanako

" Hmmm , let's start the prayer " said Gorosuke.

Meanwhile , Kazuki still at the pond was staring at his own reflection. He was constantly having the flashback of the man dying in his laps. He was so-so confused, scared and restless at the same time. kazuki has never seen a death in his life he was so moved that he wasn't in his senses at all. His gazing at the pond was broken, when the baby hold his finger and started to laugh, kazuki also smiled at her. A voice echoed :-

" Dear Kazuki "

" Who's there" asked Kazuki

" M name is Kirin and I am one of the twelve guards of the heaven. I have reincarnated into your soul so that I could help you fight Daishi. The prophecy with the end of the good source energy in the nature's balance has begin" said Kirin

Kirin was the animal spirit of the eleventh guard of the heaven. She was the animal spirit of a Giraffe.

" What you want now " asked Kazuki

" You have achieved the honour to gain my powers " said Kirin