Chapter 58 :- A Rogue Ronin

Kanako helped Hiro stand but as soon as Hiro stood still he fell on the ground as his body collapsed and he went back to normal losing the aura and the muscles in the process. Hiroshi with help of Kazuki , Mimiko and Jetchi stood up and tried to get a hold of himself. The figure stood still with no sign of exhaustion or tiredness. Gorosuke grabbed Yuzi and slowly approached Hiroshi and others. Ryo and Kazuki who were still able to stand and maintain their animal spirit , felt the load of the fatigue and were panting heavily.

" Sorry for the disturbance " said rhe figure

" Who are you " asked Hiroshi

" We all will know what and who I am but first " said The figure as he slowly approached Goki

" As you said you were " asked The figure

" Yes , I said , I am Gokina Sumo " said Goki

" Weren't you a demon " said Hiroshi

" I am , I mean I was " said Gokina

" Why you turned into a demon " asked Mimiko

" Ahh yes that was a mistake on my end " said Gokina

" I was the disciple of the world best master , Master Koga , the last leader of the Koga clan. I was a Ronin..... betrayed by my mother ...left by my father....trained by my only known family Master Koga. But my sins were too heavy to repent. I thrived for power to save everyone , power to kill whenever I want , to die whenever I want. I risked it and wanted nothing but power " said Goki

" Woah.... so Camille ... how you know her " asked Kanako

" That Loathsome bitch , tricked me.... in exchange of power she gave me the curse to be her slave till my death.....and the demonic power overpowered my humanity" said Goki

" So does that mean Master Koga wasn't killed " said asked Gorosuke

" Apparently... when he got the news that I have turned into a Demon... he was labelled as a traitor to humanity and forced to commit Seppuku. Unfortunately... Camille reached Master Koga house at the same time when he completed his Seppuku...thus claiming to kill him " said Goki

" I don't have any more time left.... Hiro isn't what you think he is ..... I am sorry....I need to repent on my sins now " said Goki as his soul slowly flew up in the sky and disappeared.

" Everyone bow " said The figure

" Why would I bow for a demon..." said Kazuki but before he could complete his sentence the figure punched him in the gut.

Everyone bowed down to Goki's soul as it disappeared. Hiroshi looked up and the last moment he saw Goki, he was crying. That specific moment imprinted on Hiroshi's mind.

" you must be Goki " said Shinigami

" Who are you" asked Goki

" I am a supernatural spirit... I guide the people to the domain of Benzaiten... where you will be judged according to your sins and virtue " said the Shinigami

" And your good name " asked Goki

" It's Zian but call me Zi " said Zi

Meanwhile , Hiroshi and others tried to wake up Hiro who felt unconscious on the ground.

Hiro opened his eyes and was confused to see that he was not at battlefield instead was in sky. Hiro screamed in fear that he died but it didn't matter as no one responded. Although he could hear everyone's voice calling him out he couldn't reply or talk to them even if he tried. He looked around for some clue and was shocked to see Goki walking up a stairs

" Am I dead " asked Hiro

" No I can't be... what is going on " said Hiro

" How the hell is this possible " shouted a spirit as he punched Hiro.

" Woah hey ouch ... who are you " asked Hiro

" I am a Shinigami but let me check what's your name " said the spirit

" Hiro , Hiro Nohara " said Hiro

" Let me check....H....H...Hiro.... nope you aren't on the death list but how are you here " asked the Spirit

" I don't have a clue " said Hiro

" Maybe it's a error on my end , well let's talk to Benzaiten sama and we will figure it out " said the spirit

" Ok " said Hiro as he nodded

" Quick follow the stairs " said the spirit as they both started to climb the stairs.

Soon Hiro and the spirit came across a large hall with 4 chairs made up of golden ornaments , jewels and flowers. It was a like a huge court room with the large chair in the middle and followed by the other 3 just behind the big one. The surrounding was like jury box with Shinigami flying around and a open balcony.

" Woah where am I " asked Hiro

" Shhhhhhh , it's the Domain of Benzaiten sama " said the Shinigami

" Hide and keep your mouth shut " said the spirit as Hiro and the spirit hid behind one of the 7 large marble pillars.

" Next spirit... Gokina Sumo " shouted a spirit as many gods took their respective seats in the jury.

Goki and Zi stood in the middle and Zi flew towards the jury seat.

" Woah my brother just killed that guy " said Hiro

" Shhhh the hearing begins " said the spirit.