Chapter 61 :- The Rise of the Hero

" Umm what do we do now " asked Hiro as he started sweating.

" Don't worry just follow me " said Zi

Hiro and Zi started to slowly crawl towards another pillar. Benzaiten sama gave a calm smirk and strung her Shamisen. Hiro and Zi were transported in middle of the court room.

" Umm what is going on " asked Shinigami

" Ohhh hi Shi " said Zi

" You are elder than me yet you act like i am the older one " said Shi as she sighed

" You two are sisters?" asked Hiro

" They all are " said Benzaiten sama

" Well , i can't see you but hear you your highness " said Hiro

" Oh no " said Shi

" What's going on " asked Hiro

Before he could do anything , multiple Shinigami and guards rushed at Hiro.


" Stop it , there must be something wrong " shouted Zi

But before she could do anything , she was separated from Hiro. Hiro tried to fight but the guards were to strong for him.

Eventually , he was caught and tied.

" Oh this " said Fate

" is after a long time that " said Destiny

" That a mortal is in heaven without dying " said Luck

" Everyone " said Benzaiten

The room went silent for a few seconds , all emotions of anger , revenge , fighting vanished in an instance.

" Hiro nohara isn't dead , he is the vessel " said Benzaiten

" Vessel " said everyone

The guards started to sweat profusely. They immediately untied Hiro and bowed infront of him. All the Shinigami including Zi and Shi rushed at Hiro and healed him.

" What the hell man , that hurts " said Hiro

" Hiro , you are a special child , you don't know about it and i can't tell you more , but remember , you are destined to be the one to end the prophecy once and for all " said Benzaiten sama

" But , Benzaiten sama , I can't even fight and I can't even save anyone , I just fainted before the battle and i don't remember why I am at a place that requires one to be dead despite not being dead " said Hiro

" You poor poor soul , do you know who killed Gokina " asked Benzaiten

" No maybe Hiroshi or someone " said Benzaiten

" You " said Benzaiten

" Me? " asked Hiro

" Yes " said Benzaiten

" No no no i can't its not am a murderer " said Hiro as he started to cry

" Hiro... i can't explain this to you but remember this my child... He who fights monster and demons must make sure that he doesn't become one " said Benzaiten

" I... I will try " said Hiro

" I wish you luck Hiro nohara , you will need it " said Benzaiten as she strung her Shamisen

The floor below Hiro disappeared. Scared , he tried to fly and move away but failed and he fell through the sky. He screamed in fear and when he opened his eyes he found himself in a futon.

" Hiro " said Ryo

" Everyone Hiro is awake " shouted Jetchi.

Kazuki , Hiroshi , Gorosuke , Yuzi , Mimiko and Kanako rushed through the door.

" HIRO " shouted Hiroshi who was covered in bandages. He rushed at Hiro and hugged him

" Oh my god i thought I lost you i really thought " said Hiroshi

" Hey , ouch i am fine what happened " asked Hiro

" Fine ??? FINE !!! you say? You had 2 broken bones , several torn ligaments and 4 broken ribs with multiple bruises. You were in a coma from the past 15 days " shouted Kanako

" 15 Days????? , it seemed like 15 minutes " said Hiro as he was astonished

" 15 minutes , what are you talking about " asked Kazuki

" Where's Yuzi sama " asked Hiro

" I am here Hiro , all fine thanks to you " said Yuzi

" Me? " asked Hiro

" Yeah you saved us all and killed Gokina " said Hiroshi

Hiro faced went blank and there was silence for few minutes. The awkward silence was filled by wind and crickets chirp.

" I don't remember " said Hiro

" You mean you absolutely don't remember anything about what happened 15 days ago " said Gorosuke

" No Grandpa , I don't " said Hiro

" Hmmmm that's interesting " said Gorosuke

" So what's coma like " asked Kazuki

" Come here you stupid brat " said Kanako as she punched Kazuki and dragged him away.

" Is everyone alright " asked Hiro

" Well these 15 days were absolutely weird , more weird than the things we witnessed in these few months " said Hiroshi