Chapter 63 :- Hidden secrets

" umm Who are you ?" asked Hiro

" It doesn't matter who i am , what does matter is that how can someone as weak as you have the power of Legendary Okami sama himself " said The figure

" He's that Tengu masked guy " said Ryo

" You all are mere excuses. You all are weak and nothing will ever change that " grunted The figure

" You wear a tengu mask and calls us excuses what is even your name ? " asked Hiro

" My name is .... " said The figure

" Abel nohara " said Abel

" Oh that's right Abel nohara " everyone repeated

" You could have said so " said Hiro as he tied his arms together and laughed

Hiro has a habit of bragging and prowling about his arrogance. He often a times feel happy and proud when he make other do his job or any work done easily. He crosses his arms and laughs thinking about how manipulative he is. There was dead silence in the room right after Hiro stopped laughing.

" NOHARA!!??!?!!!???!?" everyone shouted

Hiroshi , Kanako , Ryo , Jetchi and Mimiko had their jaw dropped. They looked at Hiroshi who then looked at Hiro. Hiro who was still in the state of Euphoria said

" You are also Nohara what a coincidence "

" Nohara sounds familiar isn't it Hiroshi " said Hiro

Kanako punched Hiro right at the back of the head making Hiro flip and land on face first.

" WHAT WAS THAT FOR " shouted Hiro

" You idiot , Nohara is your surname " shouted Kanako

" Yeah , so ? " asked Hiro

" Hiro , take a few seconds and think " said Hiroshi as he took a deep breath and sighed.

After a few seconds Hiro was able to join all the dots and stood up in astonishment.


Abel slapped Hiro and pinned him to the ground.

" Don't connect yourself with me , you pathetic uncultured swine " said Abel

" Abel " said Gorosuke

" I am sorry Sensei " said Abel

Abel bowed down to Gorosuke and sat next to him.

" Grandpa would you please care to explain all this mess " said Hiroshi

" Hiroshi , Hiro everyone " said Gorosuke

" There's time and place for everything , I can't tell you everything now , what i can tell is that now Abel will also join you to new missions and will train you " said Gorosuke

" That's some anime level bullshit grandpa " said Hiro

" What's anime ? " asked Kanako

" You see it's an animated..." said Hiro

A wooden shuriken flashed through Hiro eyes and flew straight through the wall. Hiro was so scared that his face turned pale.

" You Bastard what do you think you are doing " enquired Hiro

" This is the reason why you are pathetic and weak " said Abel

" Silence " said Hiro

" Or what " said Abel

Abel and Hiro rushed at each other. In a split of a second before anyone of them could do anything , Gorosuke grabbed both Abel and Hiro hand.

" Do you wanna make me fight you ? " asked Gorosuke

Abel sighed and replied

" I am sorry sensei "

Abel took his cloak , bowed to Gorosuke and opened the door.

" I'll be waiting for you at the Temple " said Abel

Abel closed the door and went away until his footsteps faded away

" What the hell was that " said Ryo

" To be honest , i don't even ask questions now " said Jetchi

" What is the meaning of this grandpa " asked Hiroshi

" There are some Hidden secrets. Their answers would be solved at the temple only " said Gorosuke

" What Hidden secrets " asked Hiroshi

" Few of them but not all to which the Answers are present but the solutions not at all " said Gorosuke as he stood up

" Ryo Jetchi , Help Hiro " said Gorosuke

" Yes , Grandpa " said both of them together

" Hiroshi Kanako and Mimiko " said Gorosuke

" Get Jared and meet me at the Temple by 4 pm " said Gorosuke

" Ok grandpa " they replied

Everyone left the room , Gorosuke , Hiro , Ryo and Jetchi went towards the temple meanwhile Hiroshi , Kanako and Mimiko went towards the village.

" The game just got interesting " said the voice

" Master Dai will be happy " said the voice.

A hysterical laugh echoed in the room. The laughter ended , leaving the room with dead and spooky silence.