Chapter 68 :- Enter the master

" So whats the deal with your brother " asked Flit

" He just passed out after a transformation " replied Hiroshi

" First time ? " questioned Flit

" Yes " said Hiroshi as he nodded

" Guys follow me " said Jetchi

Everyone agreed and started following Jetchi. Few minutes later , they came across a large wall with Japanese Kanji inscribed on it. A large figure was carved in the centre of the wall. Since the wall was old , the passage of time eroded the carving. Despite being vaguely visible , one could easily tell that it was a figure of a man with long hair dancing in middle of nowhere. It had 4 arms with the palms facing at 4 directions each :- Upper right North , Upper left South , Lower right East and Lower left west. Other figures were also visible on the wall.

" Woah that's new " said Hiroshi

" Yeah maybe too old " corrected Flit

" Jetchi do it " pleaded Mimiko

Jetchi rotated the palms carvings. The carving was like a dial more likely like a code combination. He rotated the palms until all the palms were facing north. The Kanji inscribed on the wall started to glow.

" Woah woah woah what the hell " said Flit as he closed his eyes.

" The Flare , it's too much " said Kanako

The floor below the wall slided , revealing a staircase leading to the basement.

" Alright heads up " said Jetchi as started to descend.

Jetchi searched his bag and took out a flashlight after some thorough digging. Everyone followed the beam of light as Jetchi's body was swallowed by the darkness of the cave. The only thing visible were the stairs on which the beam of flashlight reflected. They slowly descended. Slowly , gradually , the stair case widened contrary to Hiroshi believe that it would narrow up.

" So it's awkward but , How are you living inside her " asked Kanako

" You see , I actually was able to make a living space there. It's a 2 bhk flat hahaha " said Flit as he laughed.

" Wow Weird " said Mimiko

" We are here " said Jetchi

The staircase came to an end. It led to a path that was surrounded by parallel stone walls with water dripping on their surface. The path was narrow yet was wide enough for 2 people to pass through if they decided to pass through it simultaneously. The wall carvings were unreadable. After two minutes of trek they slowly saw a huge bright light emitting from the end of the hall. It was a huge library carved inside a cave. The ceiling had a dragon made of gold and jewels with a scroll in it's mouth. Everyone was so mesmerized by the view that they locked their eyes on the dragon.

" Ahh yes so you all have finally arrived" said Gorosuke

" Is Hiro ok"? asked Ryo

" You pathetic fools are late " grunted Able

" Pathetic fools!!?" said Mimiko

" Did you just called us...Fools?" said Kanako

" Pathetic fools" corrected Jetchi

" Well the feeling is mutual " said Hiroshi

" What did you just said " asked Able

" Hoot hoot Able san control " said Fuku

" This shit head is getting it" said Able

Able leaped at Hiroshi with all his might. Kanako , Mimiko , Jetchi and Ryo struggled to open their eyes due to the immense pressure created by Able's jump. Hiroshi clenched his fist and stood in the fighting stance.

" You are done for " shouted Hiroshi as he punched Able

" You are too slow " smirked Able

Able instantly teleported behind Hiroshi and formed a karate chop.

" You fool " shouted Able

Able struck Hiroshi with all his might. It happened so quickly that , Hiroshi wasn't even able to turn his head around.

Everything was dead silence. A shockwave travelled across the hallway , flickering the lamps and disrupting the water flow.

" What's happening " asked Ryo as he slowly opened his eyes

" Woah " said Mimiko , Jetchi and Kanako together.

" Is Hiroshi no no no no not another friend" said Flit

Hiroshi slowly opened his eyes , sweating and still shaking.

" What the hell " said Able. As soon as Able turned around to see his back , he saw that

Gorosuke grabbed his hand , seconds before touching Hiroshi neck.

" Able , it doesn't suit you " said Gorosuke

" Damn , Grandpa you fast " said Hiroshi as he sighed a breath of relief.

" This not the reason we are here for , this is a sacred place only used in cases of emergency and it has some ground rule that you must follow " shouted Gorosuke as he left Able arm.

" What are we here for grandpa? " asked Mimiko

" To see if Hiro is the vessel " said Gorosuke

" Vessel ?" said everyone together

" Yes " said Gorosuke