Chapter 77 :- Enter the Masters

" Aah , Hiro , Hiroshi and everyone come here " said Gorosuke

Everyone hugged each other except Kazuki , Ryo and Jetchi.

" What are you guys waiting for " asked Gorosuke

" Well , you are our Teacher so.... " said Ryo

" You all are my kids , everyone is close and dear to me " said Gorosuke as he embraced all three of them.

" You haven't changed at all, have you Choji " said Gigi

" Oh my God " said Gorosuke

" Bring it in Choji " said Gija as they hugged

" You guys care to explain " asked Mimiko

" Well you see , umm , ehh " said Gorosuke

" We used to train together " said Gigi

" We used to train together and were promoted to the ranks of subordinates...our senior being Choji " said Gija

" Not with Choji... " said Gorosuke

" old are you Grandpa " asked Hiro

" Well senior for your grandmother by 5 years and younger than me by 2 so...i nicknamed him Choji " said Gija

" Care to meet us too you shall ? " said a person from behind

" Ohh hoo ho , Master Gor " said Gija as he bowed

" Glory to Master Gor " said Gigi as she bowed too

" Where's Master Aruma ? " asked Gigi

" You know that's just Aru being Aru " said Gorosuke.

Hiro panted Gorosuke's shoulder

" Grandpa ? " asked Hiro

" Would you like to explain anything ? " he added Hiro

Gorosuke turned around to see a puzzled look on everyone's face.

" Ohh so that's the vessel " said Gor

" I have a name sir , it's Hiro....Hiro Nohara " said Gor

" What? " asked Gigi

" Nohara? " asked Gija

" NOHHAAARAA??? " shouted Gor

Everyone in the hall turned around and stared at Hiro.

Suddenly everyone gathered around Hiro and stared at him. There was a mixed reaction around the room. Some bowed down while some were hesitant. In between the crowd , A man in a cloak and robe pushed his way in the centre of the room.

" EVERYONE SILENCE " shouted the man

Everyone , gave way for him as he limped his way towards Hiro

" So you are the Vessel " said the man

" Who are you " said Hiro

" What is going on " asked Ryo as he started crying out of frustration.

The man in robe , threw his cloak away , that landed on Jetchi face.

" That stinks " said Jetchi

The old man had a prosthetic leg and prosthetic left wrist. His chest had huge scar of slashes with a dent in his chest. One of his eye had an ocular prosthesis , followed by a scar that ran from the tip of the eyebrows to the cheeks. He was 5ft 8 inch tall with muscular body. He had complete white hair tied into a bun which was held together by a metacarpal.

" And who are you sir " asked Kazuki

" Hmph , Ungrateful burdensome , Pathetic piece of shits " said the man

" Hey dude back off " said Hiro

" Don't Dude " said Jetchi

" Why ? " asked Hiro

" Remember when Abel played around? " asked Jetchi

" Yeah " said Hiro hesitantly

" He won't " said Jetchi

" The hair....the body...that spirit....that energy...You seriously are the chosen one ? " said the man

" Who are you... " asked Ryo

" Everyone this is Master Aruma " said Gorosuke

" Not now guys.... " said Master Gor

" You will are never meant to be what he was...and you will never be like him " said Aruma was he took out a bottle of sake , tied to his wrist.

He limped his way across the dining hall , sitting and munching on starters.

" Everyone please enjoy the starters now " said Gor

" What's that guy's deal " asked Kazuki

" It's a long story , why don't we settle down and have a little snack , you guys must be hungry " said Gor

" Yes " said everyone as they settled down on a round table for the snacks.

Hiro and Kazuki attacked the dumplings , wontons , rice , shrimp , chicken and summer rolls like animals.

" C'mon guys some manners please " said Hiroshi as he looked in disgust.

" If you are Nohara , that means you are Arisu's son aren't you " asked Gor

" Yes sir...i mean Master " said Hiroshi

" Hmm you don't look quite like her " said Gor

" Well , I resemble my Dad more " said Hiroshi

" Hiro on the other side , looks eerily familiar to mom " he added

" Ryo...Calm down " said Jetchi

" So many.... questions " said Ryo as he was confused and wobbling around

" You ask and Shall I answer " said Master Gor

" What was that guy's problem , what is going on " asked Ryo

" He is Master Aruma...One of the greatest Master of our time..He with Gorosuke , me and Lord Shen formed the Iron Fist " said Gor

" Iron Fist ?? " asked the kids

" We 5 masters , harnessing energy of each element and an animal spirits were given the duty by our master to guide and train disciples like you. We also were the protectors on the 5 hidden villages. " Gor replied

" So...why are there only 2 of here " asked Jetchi

" haven't told these kids anything have you Choji " asked Gor

" No... " said Gorosuke as he blushed.

" Sigh... Gorosuke or Choji , Gor , Shen , Aruma and Kae formed the Iron Fist but... One day everything changed " said Gor

There was a knock on the door. Vajra went and opened the door. Infront of the door , stood the monk that was possessed by Camille.

" May , I come in ? " he asked

" Sure...Dinner is about to be served so you can join us " said Vajra as he closed the door.

Camille who was sitting on a nearby tree , smirked. She took out another marble eye and rubbed it.

" All praises to Lord Dai- shi " said Camille

" Say " Dai replied

" We have successfully Infiltrated the Hall " said Camille

A chain , ingraved with spikes , raised and attacked Camille from behind , choking her throat.

" You think that's impressive " a voice echoed.

The chain pulled down Camille from the tree. A huge fire tornado erupted from nowhere. Two men covered in fire , walked through the tornado.

" Greetings Camille " the man said.

" Pierre..Help me " said Camille

Another chain emerged and grabbed Camille's tongue , pulling it out periodically as it bleed.