Unexpected Return

" What the hell " said Kazuki as he looked around to look for the person who threw the Kusari-gama

The Kusari-gama flew and hooked itself to Hiro's Kimono. It dragged Hiro out of the ground as Hiro's body healed.

A figure jumped from tree to tree finally landing infront of Kazuki and Kanako. The figure grabbed a stick and shoved it in the ground. He tied one end of the Kusari-gama on the stick and made a churning system to pull Hiro out. He single handedly dragged Hiro out as Kazuki and Kanako looked in awe

" You good for nothing idiots " said the figure as he removed his cloak

" Oh... It's Abel " said Kazuki as he rolled his eyes

Abel grabbed Kazuki's ear and pulled it.

" OW...OW OUCH THAT HURTS " shouted Kazuki

" Next time , show me some respect " said Abel

" Why show up now ? " asked Kanako

" What did you say ? " asked Abel

" I said , Why bother show up now " asked Kanako

" No no I heard that...Unlike you all idiots I have other work to do " said Abel

" Still with that Tengu mask huh " said Kazuki as he rubbed his ear

" That's none of your business " said Abel

" This bastard thought he could do everything alone huh ? " said Abel as he looked at Hiro

" Just because he have unlocked the vessels potential , it does not mean that he can do everything on his own , Idiot " said Abel

" You kids are going to get me in trouble " he added

" Oye...oye...oye... what's the ruckus about huh fella ? " asked the man

" Reveal yourself or I shall do my worst " said Abel

" What...What do you mean ? " asked The Man

" Are you gonna transform and cut to the chase or do you want to die instantly " said Abel

" Such Arrogance against me ??? HOW DARE YOU , YOU.... YOU PIG " said the man as he removed his court.

The man started to morph as he ripped his skin of with his hand. He grew slender and taller as his face twisted upside down. His teeths turned into mandible claws and his eyes turned triangular. He grew 2 extra appendages as his hand melted. He slowly turned into a grasshopper humanoid like figure which was mint green in colour.

" A Grasshopper ? " asked Kanako

" Locust " said Abel

" I don't think he's here just for our crops " said Kazuki

" C'mon be serious " said Kanako

Hiro stood up and tried to rush at that creature again but this time Abel grabbed his Kimono and slammed him the ground.


" Where's Sensei and others ? " asked Abel

" They went in that direction " said Kanako as she pointed in North

" But I just came from North " said Abel

" Wait , now that I think of it , Grandma and Grandpa are missing again and Granny Yuzi was just visiting Niko's grave " said Kanako

" So this he is the mf that is responsible for the illusions " said Abel

" I'LL KILL YOU " said the creature

" Ok Nameless guy , make this shit easy for me , surrender and I might spare you " said Abel as he cleaned his Kusari-gama with his sleeves

" You...My name is Hobeo and You are my meal " said Hobeo as he rubbed his sickle like hands together.

The Army of Rin-shi step aside in a parallel pattern. The Sickle like appendages launched an invisible attack at Abel. Three invisible slashes approached Abel.

" Stand up Kazuki let's goo " said Kanako

Before anyone could do anything , the slashes were deflected by Abel.

" Bastard " said Abel as he jumped towards Hobeo

" ATTACK !!!!! " shouted Hobeo

Rin-shi , following Hobeo commands , hopped towards Abel.

" You good for nothing fools , find a way to bring everyone together... This illusionist will kill them if they aren't awar of their surroundings " said Abel

" What about the Rin-shi and that monster ? " asked Kanako with concern

" I got this " said Abel as he cracked his fist

Hiro whose body was moving on it's own despite him being unconscious , stood up and grabbed Abel's shoulder. Hiro and Abel looked at each other for few seconds as Abel nodded.

" C'mon let's go Kazuki " said Kanako

" That power....that bastard....this much power , it's unbelievable...he isn't even using his energy and stamina...but he's strong " said Kazuki as he clenched his fist in envy.

" C'mon move " said Abel as another attack was launched at Abel.

Abel deflected it with his weapon. Kazuki and Kanako ran towards the pyre. Another attack was launched but this time towards Kazuki and Kanako. Hiro jumped in between to deflect the attack. Kazuki and Kanako went in opposite directions to find the Aruma and Gorosuke respectively.

" It's gonna be a fun day for me " said Abel

" IT'S NIIIIGHHHHTTTT !!!! " shouted Hobeo as he pushed Rin-shis at Abel.

" It's show time " said Abel as he grabbed his Kusari-gama and started to spin it like a rope.