The Awakening - II

As the ferocious Rin-shi's started to devour their own kind, tearing each other limb to limb, biting and chomping, Kazuki tried to grab the baby and take a few steps back. To his horror, the baby was no were to be find. Kazuki looked around and heard a giggle at a distance. The Baby was crawling towards the Rin-shis. 

" Oh no baby, come here " whispered Kazuki

The Baby ignored Kazuki's call. Despite his best attempts, baby kept on crawling, ignoring Kazuki's every call. Kazuki crawled towards the baby as the baby went even further. 

" Come back here you little rat " said Kazuki 

" Gu....aga...a " murmured the baby

" Don't make me shout at you " said Kazuki 

The Baby looked at Kazuki for a minute straight, before taking another step. The Baby stepped at a stick, which broke with his weight. In the dead of silence from the group's end, the noise was loud enough to attract the attention of the Rin-shi. 

Rin-shi body parts were all over the place. A pile of dead body parts was lying in the centre with no Rin-shis to be found.

" Haha ate themselves to death " said Kazuki as he stood up.

" Uh...Kazuki " said Kanako 

" Yes " replied Kazuki 

" Don't move at all " said Kanako as she pointed towards Kazuki 

" WHAT HAPPENED NOW ? " said Kazuki in a loud pitch as he turned around.

2 Rin-shis, whose clothes were ripped apart except their leggings, rose from the pile of organs. Their eyes, which was sealed shut was now completely open. Their mouth gaped as snake like fangs were firmly attached in their jaw. The upper fangs were rattling while the lower fangs outgrew the mandible jaw, appearing as teeths similar to swines. Their body mass grew in size yet their was a slight difference. One was Slender, more agile looking with hunchback and spikes growing from his back that ran down to it's tail. The other one was muscular and looked heavy however had a huge chest and a hanging jaw.

" Oh boy, another demon couple " said Kazuki 

" You fool, you dare mock us ? " questioned the agile one as he took a step towards Kazuki.

" Leave this piece of shit for me brother, I'm gonna rip him to shreds and eat him, with that baby too. Maybe I'll eat that girl as well " said the muscular one.

" Oh you gluttonous pig, calm down we both can take all of them down, Rhy and thum can easily set up the Amaterthysts crystals for harvesting more pawns " said the agile one.


" Oh, a fresh sacrificial lamb.. c'mon numbskull, I'll love to see you try " said the agile one as he pounced at Kazuki.

" KAZUKI!! NO!! " shouted Gorosuke

Kazuki ignored Gorosuke as he rushed at the agile one. 

Kazuki attacked first, with a flying kick towards the agile Rin-shi. The demon, shadows swirling around its form, lunged forward with unnatural speed. Kazuki barely evaded a razor-sharp claw with a swift sidestep, countering with a lightning-fast roundhouse kick aimed at the demon's head. The Rin-shi agilely ducked, contorting its demonic frame, and retaliated with a tail swipe. Kazuki firmly used his tail as a landing spot and jumped in the air. Rin-shi pounced immediately, aiming to strike Kazuki. As the Rin-shi went with the uppercut slash aiming for Kazuki's head, Kazuki avoided the attack with a backflip as the tip of his hair were slashed, as Rin-shi's strike barely touched Kazuki's head. The hair burnt instantly. Both Kazuki and the Rin-shi landed swiftly, and took the battle stance once again.

" Oh wow, I don't remember how many years ago I saw someone dodge my attacks with this swiftness and agility. I rarely get to introduce my name to the enemies as they are already dead by the time I get myself ready for an introduction. You have my respect. The name is Sail. " said the Rin-shi as he licked his claws. 

" I must say that this boy might be a bit of trouble, should finish him quick " said the muscular Rin-shi.

" Oh let me have some fun, it's after a 50 long years that I have ever had this much excitement " said Sail 

" As you wish fool, but if you get killed, You will be the one responsible for it " said the Rin-shi as he crossed his arms and sat on a nearby rock.

" Are you ok? " said Kanako as she rushed at Kazuki.

" Why didn't you listen ? " asked Gorosuke

" I'm fine, I can handle this, you take care of the baby, I'll fight him " said Kazuki 

" He is an elite Rin-shi, if he manages to eat that baby or even kill you, he would evolve into a spirit warrior and then we will have to face not 1 not 2 but 4 spirit demons at the same time. So you better not fool around " said Gorosuke

" Yeah, I'm fine " said Kazuki

" HEY SAIL! READY FOR ROUND 2 ? " shouted Kazuki.

" I thought you'll never ask " replied Sail.

The fight continued, it was like a dance of agility and power. Kazuki utilized a series of acrobatic moves, seamlessly transitioning from spinning kicks to lightning-quick punches. Sail, not to be outdone, twisted its demonic form, avoiding attacks with eerie fluidity. He was able to twist his entire spine in different angles, in order to evade Kazuki's attack. They closed the distance between them as Kazuki attacked with flurry of jabs and kicks aiming at Sail's midsection. Sail countered every strike, and with each defence its eyes glowing with malevolence, deflecting strikes with ethereal energy. Kazuki found a gap and striked Sail, hitting his abdomen. To his shock, Sail was unfazed. It appeared like Sail absored the momentum of the punching.

Kazuki quickly evaded the upcoming kick as he took a step back to catch a breath. 

" Tired already huh ? " asked Sail 

" No, I am just getting started, idiot " said Kazuki. 

" As you wish " said Sail was he calmly walked towards Kazuki. 

The clash of agility and otherworldly prowess continued, a thrilling spectacle of combat between the earthly and the demonic world. 

The muscular Rin-shi came towards Gorosuke and others. They all took their battle stance however to their suprise, he didn't attacked them.

" I won't fight you until he is done " said the Rin-shi

" And why should we trust you? " asked Jetchi 

" I would have already killed you by this time, or probably Gorosuke would have killed me " said the Rin-shi

" You know him Sensei ? " asked Jetchi

" Well maybe we fought once, but I don't remember " said Gorosuke

" You can see both the future and the past but you can't remember this? Funny excuse " said Kanako 

" Goro, once showed mercy to me, in the battle of the Espertia, when I was just a regular monkey sized Rin-shi, he refused to kill me, because I was hesitant to eat a child. Instead of killing me, he allowed me to escape. You can say, I am just paying off the favour, you scratch my back and I scratch yours " said the Rin-shi as he sat down.

" Name is Fin " said the demon as he sat down.

" I don't fucking know what the fuck is going on " said Kanako

" Everything is so fucking confusing " said Jetchi.

" Hey what the fuck are you doing " said Sail 

" I was getting bored you idiot " said Fin 

" So you will join the other side? I'll kill you " said Sail.

As Sail was distracted, Kazuki ducked the upcoming punch. Kazuki, seizing an opportunity unleashed a devastating spinning hook kick, connecting with the Sail's side. The demon staggered momentarily.

" It's not fair I was distracted " said Sail 

" Well, I am a human and you are a demon " said Kazuki.

" Fair point " said Sail

Seizing the opportunity, Kazuki followed up with a rapid succession of strikes, aiming for vulnerable spots. Yet the demon's resilience proved formidable, and it retaliated with a surge of dark energy, sending the kickboxer sprawling backward. Undeterred, Kazuki regained composure, adopting a guarded stance. 

Kazuki, fueled by determination, assessed Sail patterns, searching for an opening. The demon, sensing Kazuki's strategy, unleashed a barrage of swirling shadows, attempting to disorient Kazuki. Undaunted, Kazuki relied on his agility, gracefully evading the dark onslaught. 

" Oh let's elevate this a little shall we " said Sail as he clenched his fists and started to summon some dark energy. 

" Oh boy, I wonder how Ryo is doing " said Jetchi in his mind.